Some nights I'm scared you'll forget me again.

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a/n- the song title is Some nights by fun. keep reading to find out why: )


"Skilar Cassandra Jameson. Get down here right now!" My mom called.

I set down my straightener and jogged down stairs.

"What mom?"  I huff

My mom turned around from the kitchen table and walked slowly towards me with her arms crossed.

She must have just gotten home from work because she had a black ruffled shirt on and a red skirt. She had bright blue eyes and short blonde hair. I looked nothing like her with my long brown hair and  wide brown eyes.

"Why did Sam's mother call me and ask where you were on Saturday?" My mom raised her eyebrow waiting for an answer.

"Well?"  She urged

I hate that I can't lie to her. All my other friends can easily lie to there mothers.

"Ok fine! I went to the skate park with Max. I'm sorry." My mom shook her head.

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't like you skateboarding there especially with that boy. Ha! I don't like you skateboarding at all!" I huffed and rolled my eyes.

I'm just so fed up with her.

"Mom I just can't not skateboard. It's what I love to do you can't stop me from doing what I love."  I said.

She laughed cruelly and started to walk away to my dad and my brother,who I hate along with her.

"I'm your mom I think I can." She smiled with evil crawling across her lips

She closed the living room door.

"I hate you! Why are you my mom anyone else would be fine! Forget you, I hate you!" I scream.

End of flashback

I quickly sat up in bed. I am covered in sweat and I am breathing heavily. I jump out of bed and walk in my bathroom. I grab a towel out of the closet and put it on the counter. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up. Once it is warm I strip to nothing and step in.

I feel like singing a song. How about "Some Nights" by fun. I start singing it somewhat ok.

“Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck, some nights I call it a draw. Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle, some nights I wish they’d just fall off, but I still wake up. I still see your ghost. Oh lord I’m still not sure what I stand for. Oh”

I grabbed the shampoo then I massage my hair with it. I let it sit while I washed my body. After that I was already to the special part in the song where everything gets intense.

“So this is it? I sold my sole for this? Washed my hand of that for this? I missed my mom and dad for this?”

I rinsed everything off of me and stepped out of the shower. I turned the water off and wrapped my towel around me. Then I continued singing with my brush held up to my mouth like a microphone.

“No. When I see stars, when I see stars that’s all they are. When I hear songs, they sound like this one.

So come on

Oh come on

Oh come on


I just finished getting dressed when I heard a loud bang downstairs.  I ran in my bedroom and grabbed my knife under my bed. I only have it there because I used to get paranoid at night.

I walked slowly down the staircase being the stealthy ninja I am. I heard the noise come from the kitchen so I opened the door and I throw the knife at the figure. The figure quickly ducked and turned around and I saw my twenty –three year old sister.

“Oh sorry, Klara.” I should really be more careful I can’t lose everyone in my life.

“ARE YOU CRAZY!!!?” Klara was shaking and she dropped the groceries on the ground. I went next to her to help her clean up.

“What was the loud noise?” We both stood up and I put the rest of the groceries away.

“Oh I just slammed the door.”  Klara shrugged and walked down the hallway to the living room.

“Why are you ok?” Klara laughed and turned around.

“You really ask a lot of questions and I’m fine it’s just I had a really bad day.”  Klara sat down and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV.

“Oh ok.” I guess I did ask a lot of questions so I’ll just shut up now. I went back upstairs to put on makeup.

  I got out my makeup bag set it on my makeup desk. It was supposed to be for homework but that didn’t happen. I got out my foundation and applied that. Next I put on blush and then I moved on to my eyes. I put eye shadow on before mascara. I put on a little bit of white eye shadow with what was supposed to be a bronzer I used some over the other white eye shadow. Then I put on mascara and I was done.

I grabbed my brush and started getting all the knots out. I have slightly wavy hair and I didn’t feel like straightening it so I put it in a side braid. I put on my vans and grabbed my skateboard and made my way downstairs.

“Crap!! Ski! Can you go back to the grocery store and get gum. I’m lost without it.” I nodded my head and she handed me a twenty. She loves gum so much has a cabinet just for gum.

I went outside and started riding my skateboard. I made it to the grocery store and my phone started ringing.  I hit the green button and saw it was my best friend Gregg.

G- “Hey! You wanna skate at the Back River?” 

The Back River was our secret hang out. It had really smooth ground that’s perfect for skating. It’s also hidden so no one knows about.

S- “Oh yea sure! When?”

G-“Well I guess now I’m here already.”

S-“Ok let me just call Klara.”

G-“Mmkay Bye!”

I hung up then typed in Klara’s number.

K- “Hey what’s up?”

S- “Gregg asked me if I wanted to go to Back River with him, but he asked if I could go now.”

K-“Ok what’s your question?”

S-“Can I go and bring you gum later?”

K- “Sure alright I got to go by.”

That was weird she never hangs up so easily. Oh well I grabbed my skateboard and started riding to the best place in the world.

Author's Note- Sup peeps! I don't have much to say but the next update will be Nov.5. Sorry it will be so late its just I have to finish a book for my English class and I have to update my other book. I apologize! Alright by!!~ Ande

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