Shake me till you wake me from this bad dream

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A/N- Hey guys the song I used for the title was Baby by Justin Beiber. Keep reading to find out why I used it.


When Harry and I got home, he went to get a shower. I don't know why he didn't take one before we left... weirdo. I was on my phone waiting for Harry to finish. I was looking in my contacts trying to find someone to talk to... I didn't have many friends. I kept scrolling and found one my old friends, Beatrice, or I called her Beebee. Beatrice, Gregg, and I were the best of friends, well until one day.


I was waiting at the Back River for Gregg like I always do before school. Even though he was older than me we still went to the same school. He came out of the bushes and waved.

"Hey!" I waved back, "What's up?"

"Going to school... duh, anyways, don't talk to Beebee anymore."

"Why not?" I frowned.

"Because, of reasons!" He exclaimed.

"Gregory Christopher Winston, if you don't tell me why the hell I can't talk to my other bestfriend, I'll have to kill you!"

"Because shes a traitor... do you ever notice how she has been hanging out with Crystal and Emma instead of us."

"Yea because they are doing a group project together." I said in a duh tone.

"Ugh, but, she chose to be in their group, and we asked her first!"


*end of flashback*

After that Gregg stopped talking to her. I wasn't allowed to, Gregg's rules. They had a huge fight about it and I was always pulled into the middle of it. I chose Gregg's side because I liked him and I couldn't ruin my chances with him.

Now I definitely regret choosing to be Gregg's friend. I sighed and decided to call her hoping she might still use this number. It rang for a while until it sent me to voicemail so I decided to leave a message.

"Uh,  Hi Beatrice. This is Skilar Jameson. I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee sometime. I need to talk to you about some things. Uh thanks, bye!"

I hung up and let out a huge breath. Harry walked in with only his bottom half dressed, while drying his hair. I couldn't help but stare ;).

"Skilar?" He laughed.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered and ripped myself away from its longing gaze.

"Who was on the phone?"

"Oh, no one, just a friend."

He nodded and plopped onto the couch next to me. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. It felt weird, like I seriously didn't feel right inside. I suddenly got a headache, a weird headache and it hurt like no headache before. Then I blanked out.

(Sort of a flashback/dream)

I stared out the window. it was only ten minutes until school ended. All I could think about was if Danny was okay. I can't forget the call saying he was in a car accident with  his friend and his friends mom.

I can't believe my parents wouldn't get me from school. I guess I shouldn't care Danny is a little brat anyway. Oh, but I do care!

I looked at all my friends whispering and passing notes. Doing stupid things when the teacher wasn't looking. Some were perfectly content with. paying attention. How could they be so happy, though. I don't understand, how can they not see I'm upset. I don't understand.

The bell ripped me from my thoughts and I quickly gathered my stuff and ran out

*end of flashback*

"Skilar! Please wake up!" I felt myself being shook until I was awake from a horrible nightmare.

I opened my eyes and saw Harry above me.

"uugghhh.... What happened?" I groaned.

Harry gave me a bone crushing hug... just adding to the pain.  of my headache. I groaned again and he got off of me.

"Are you ok?" He asked ignoring my question.

"My head is killing me." I sighed.

I got up to go get medicine, but Harry gently pushed me back down.

"Lay down, I'll be back."

I waited for Harry... because honestly I was too scared to fall asleep.

A/n- Heyyyyy guys!!!  Not gonna write much today, but I updated this chapter for u guys: )))). Anyways I'm gonna go back and I'm going to add the names of the songs and who they are by. oh if you didn't notice already I use lyrics from songs for my titles... u probably did, lol. o well that's all byyyyyyee


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