Really thought you were the one it was over before it begun

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A/N- the song from this title is Unfriend you by Greyson Chance keep reading to find out why.

I decided to see Bea a little early because I couldn't wait. I skateboarding towards my old house with an exciting buzz running through me. I was kind of excited to see Beatrice... I mean she is the only person I talked to other than Harry, ever since the whole Klara incident.

The only thing that was bothering me about the whole trip to the Back River is that I might see the dreaded Gregory and Klara. As I turned onto my old street I was soon approaching Klara's house. From the distance I saw Klara walking to the car... everything seemed pretty normal to me, until I saw the huge bump on her stomach.

I don't exactly know why I was so surprised, I mean I knew she was pregnant but I didn't expect her stomach to be this huge already. It must have been a long time since I was here.

When Klara reached the door Greg opened it up and gave her a kiss. As soon as it happened I hit a rock and I fell over with a loud yelp. I jumped up and brushed it off...

I looked towards the Klara and she was staring back with wide eyes, I looked towards the thing she was looking at and it was a car... the guy was texting and not paying attention.

I quickly jumped out the way in time to save my self but I didn't save my only transportation device. It was broken right in half.

I cursed under my breath as I heard footsteps come towards me.

"Ma'am are you ok?" I looked up and saw Greg.

Klara was watching by the porch. I liked up and stared into Greg's eyes remembering how much I loved him. I quickly shook that off.

I stood up from my crouching position.

"I'm fine..." I said quietly

"Skilar- It's been so long I didn't recognize you. Maybe it's your hair and the fact you don't have my beanie on."

I totally forgot about that, I'd always wear Greg's beanie if I wasn't wearing a braid,  of course.

With a sudden boost of confidence I said,"Uh, yea, I don't wear it anymore."

He nodded," Oh, well where are you off to?"

"Uh, I'm just going to hang out with an old friend... you remember Beatrice right?"

There was a scowl on his face and then a smile he nodded.

"Yea we uh, we are gonna meet up at the Back River."

"Oh, our old place... well I have to get going but have fun!" He strained to be happy about this.

I nodded and walked away giving a nod to Klara as I went.

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