History is whats Changin' Me

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The song from this chapter is Changin' Me by Cady Groves

Harry's pov

I woke up with a pain in my neck, serves me right for falling asleep on the couch. I quickly remembered the corny note I left for Skilar.... I wonder what she said. I walked into the kitchen and found a black sharpie near the note. I took a deep breath and opened it, it said yes! I was so happy, I can finally say Skilar's is mine.

I heard some rustling upstairs and I snuck up there. I opened the bedroom door quietly and hugged Skilar from behind. She squealed and I spun her around.

"Hey, Harry!" She laughed.

"Hey, love."

"So are we okay,  because we fought and well...?" She asked.

"I am if you are." I replied.

She nodded shyly and gave me a peck on the cheek. I grabbed her and gave her a lingering kiss.

Skilar's pov

Once Harry and I broke the kiss everything went dark.


"Oh I'm so excited for presents!" I squealed as the young nine year old I was on Christmas Eve.

" Skilar come here." My dad called.

"Yes daddy?" I hopped on his lap.

"You know it isn't all about the presents." He stated.

"Your father is right its about happiness and cheer... oh! And peace!" My mother exclaimed.

"But what about Santa?" I asked very confused.

"He's fake you idiot!" Klara retorted.

"Wha-" I was cut off.

"Klara Elizabeth Jameson! That is not true Skilar, Santa is very real!" My dad exclaimed.

"Oh you know Klara, always trying to hurt peoples feeling, Ma says its because she's in her moodswing ages." Danny said with out a care, not realizing it was rude, he only was seven.

Klara was thirteen so I guess it was true.

"Danny!" Klara screamed.

Danny started running and Klara chased him.

"Stop it, the both of you! My goodness please try to keep it together... just until the day after tomorrow! Peace, people, peace!" I exclaimed.

My parents both laughed and we all sat and talked some unclear things.

I woke up on the bed with an angelic figure above me.

"Skilar, you're okay!" He shouted and embraced me.

"Uh, yea I just, well you know." I laughed at my awkwardness.

He laughed with me and let me gently fall back to the bed.

"Do you need anything?" He asked worried.

I shook my head no and smiled sweetly. I thought it was overwhelmingly sweet that Harry knew I could be a handful, with my amnesia and all, but he still cared for me.

I got up and realised it was six o' clock in the afternoon... wow!

"Uh, Harry I was really asleep that long?"

He nodded whilst absorbed with getting all dressed up. I looked towards the dresser and saw a red dress.

" Oh right Skilar, can you put that dress on we have to meet my mom, remember?" He said putting on a bow tie.

" Harry! I already told you I won't go through with this! I'm not your-" I was cut off by Harry peppering kisses all over my face.

"Skilar please."

"Harry I-" my tone softened.

"Please!" He whined.

"Ugh fine!"

Harry smiled and handed me the dress.

It was a red tube dress, that was way too short, and had rips down the side.

"I won't wear this..."

Harry shrugged and went in the bathroom. Ugh he's such a boy! Well, I can't go to the dinner like this. I searched through my stuff and looked for a dress. I picked out a beige dress and black heels.  I then put in teal earings and curled and tied my hair into a ponytail. Then I got the rest of myself ready.

Harry stepped out of the bathroom and looked at me. He smiled.

"Ready?" He asked.

A/N- Hey uys its been a while, hope you enjoy this chapter. The picture on the side is the outfit Skilar wears to  the dinner date... Ok thats all I will be updating the next chapter soon, hoping to end this book in a couple more chapters! BYYYYYYYYE


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