Fire starting in my heart

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*Six years ago age 13*

Black. Black was all I could see. Smoke was all I could smell. Yelling was all I could hear. Where am I was all I could wonder.

"She's waking up!!!" I hear unfamiliar voices.

I opened my eyes and saw paramedics surrounding me. I started coughing and out of my mouth came black ash. What happened? I sit up and look around I see what looked like it could have been a house, now was just a collapsed pile of wood and other materials. There were fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances around a driveway. A fire, maybe?

"Are you ok? Do you feel dizzy, nauseous, about to pass out again?" A kind looking lady asks me.

I go to speak but my mouth is just so dry. I signal water to her and she hands me a glass. I drink until I can feel replenished.

"Thanks, and no I feel fine. What happened." She looks at me with sympathy.

"Sweetie a fire burnt the house down."  I look back to the pile and grimace.

"How, did this happen?" She looked at some paperwork then responded.

"Someone left a straightener near a flammable item." I gasp

Why would someone do that?

"Where's the family?" The lady sighed and looked away for a second. I followed her gaze to an ambulance and I saw three bodys  covered up.

"Skilar, they all died."

"That's horrible and might I ask who is Skilar?"

The lady looked back quickly in shock. Then she called over more paramedics and I was rushed to the hospital.

a/n- hey guys the song from my title is Rolling in The Deep by Adele

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