Youve been thunderstruck

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a/n- the song is "Thunderstruck" by ac/dc

Somehow Harry and I fell fast asleep, and when I woke up i was kind of startled to find him, so close to me. I suddenly remembered what happened between us and i smiled warmly. Then I jumped because i realized something very important I didnt have my nightmare! I shook Harry until he woke up.

"What!" He asked annoyed.

"Harry I didn't have a nightmare!"

"What?" He sat up.

"Ugh... everynight I get the same nightmare about my family and stuff and how the fire was all my fault. Last night I didn't."

"Oh, wow-" He was shocked but I cut him off.

"I need to go to the doctors."

"Now, we just got up?" He asked


I grabbed my purse and Harry sighed. I stared up at the part where the entrance was.

" How do we get out of here?

"here." he grunted.

He pushed on the rock until it moved out and a small entrance appeared. I walked out and waited for him to push the rock back.

"need help?" I asked.

He shook his head and the wall went back in place.

We walked back to the car and I scheduled an appointment for the doctors. It was a really long ride back. I was really nervous about going there, I havent gone in ages for my amnesia. Once Harry and I got back to his house, it was really late. I sat on the couch feeling dizzy and confused.

"Whats wrong?"

"I'm just so scared to find out the results when I go tomorrow." I answered Harry.

"Don't worry it will be fine. For now you should get some sleep." He guided me to a room I wasnt familiar with.

"Uh, Harry the guest bedroom is the otherway." I pointed behind me.

"I know but I don't like to be alone when it thunders." He lied.

"Its not thundering." I huffed.

"It wiil be... pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase" He whined and begged.

I sighed and nodded. He smiled and went in and turned on the lights. I looked around his room. There was alot of red and black. Harry threw me a pair of boxers and a shirt.


Harry turned and I quickly changed. I could smell detergent and faint hint of cologne. The cologne that he always wears... sigh. I crawled into bed and waited for Harry to turn off the light. He got in the bed and cuddled with me. Harry was right it did start thundering... I didn't want to tell him this but I was terrified of thunder and lightning. I loud boom sounded and shook the house. I squealed and grabbed Harry's arm. 

"Skilar, whats wrong?" 

"I am astraphobic." I said with my face still hidden in the pillow.

"Astrawhatic?" He laughed confused.

"Astraphobic, I am afraid of thunder and lightning." I explained

He started laughing really hard.

"Its not funny!" I sat up and pouted.

He sat up too and stopped laughing, "I'm sorry, why don't we try to sleep." 

"I can't." I said.

He nooded understanding lightining lit up the whole room and I jumped into Harry's arms as he snickered.

"Why don't we talk to get your mind off of things."

I nodded, "Ok, what's your phobia."

"Uh, well I actually figured this out a while ago, its Monophobia." He said.

"Ah, the fear of being alone." I nodded.

"yea, any other fears you have." 

I gulped, "Uh, yea, Mnemophobia, the fear of memories." 

"Why would you be afraid of them."

" I don't know, I guess because they come back to haunt me... It's complicated." 

Harry and I stayed up  for a few more hours until, the storm finally stopped. We talked about ourselves and we learned that we were alike in someways. I soon fell asleep in Harry's arms, the place I knew I was most comfortable. Lovestruck.... i couldn't be probably just thunderstruck.


Hey guys this chappie had lots of fears in it. You know what I'm afraid of... Lawnmowers. Yup, don't judge, its a true fact. I get all shaky when they are being used, so I guess I don't like the act of lawn mowing. Well, I looked at all these phobia sites and could not find the fear of mowing, so I made it up. I took the latin word of mowing and phobia, and this is what it is called. tonsionemphobia, yup the fear of mowing. If you have any phobias put them in the comment box below, I'd love to know. Anyways, read comment and vole lov ya.


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