I've Hurt Myself By Hurting You

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The song for this chapter is Hurt  by Christina Aguilera

Third Person Pov

Skilar stared at Harry with a shocked expression, that soon turned to anger.

"Are you serious!!!!" Skilar screamed.

Harry sighed and turned away. Skilar started pacing around the room.


"No! Harry how could you not tell me about something like this!" Skilar is cut off by Harry grabbing her shoulders.

"Stop pacing. They really loved each other and once he found out she was pregenant I was the only one he told. Once she passed away, he couldn't handle the grief and he dropped the weight on me..."

"Weight? Are you kidding me!" Skilar rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I meant, uh, emotional weight..." Harry looked down ashamed.

Skilar had no words for Harry. She stormed out of the kitchen and went upstairs. She started grabbing her bag and her skateboard. She stuffed clothes and other necessities in it. She heard Harry coming upstairs so she tried going back down stairs.

"Skilar, why are you so upset about this?" He caught her before she could go any further.

"I just don't understand, how you of all people could keep something like this from me." Skilar snapped at Harry.

"I-I didn't know." Harry whispered, barely audible.

"Yeah, but you didn't even mention it, when I introduced myself or anything... did you even question if I was related to your 'close' friend?" She tried to hold back tears.

"Of course Skilar!" Harry yelled, frustrated.

"Fine then where is this child, I want to meet him?" 

"My mom's" Harry sighed

Skilar stormed out of the house and screamed into her hand.  She wondered how the hell could this happen to her?

Skilar's Pov

I need to find that kid and not let anything happen to him he is the only thing I have left of my family. I still have Klara but we all know how well that went. I think I need to see her though, I need to ask her about all of this.

I got to Klara's house as fast as I could. I walked up to the porch and was about to knock when the door swung open.

"Bye Klara... huh? Oh, uh hi Skilar." Gregg grimaced.

"Hi, is Klara here?"

I walked through the door and tried to find her and then I ran into something round. i fell on the ground and then looked up. I see a really fat lady.

"Klara is that you?" I ask.

She helped me up, " Uh, yea, duh."

I nod and smile at her bump. I've always loved how pregenant women looked it was just so natural and pretty.

" Can I talk to you about Grace..." I spoke with urgency.

"How do you know about her!" Klara gasped.

"I found out. Anyways why did mom and dad hide her from me."

"I don't know they hid her away from me too. You should go..."

I nodded and left, frustrated. I went home and sighed, I wondered about Grace. What did she look like,  what was she like?

"Skilar, is that you." I heard Harry's mother's voice.

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