So Kiss Me

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A/N- the title is Kiss Me by sixpence none the richer.

The cab passed a little bakery and my eyes went wide... i remember this place.

"Uh, sir, stop here."

I handed him my money and got out. I walked up to the bakery and Bee was walking out.

"BeeBee! You work here?" I gave her a quick hug.

" Oh hey, yea i do. I was just closing up. You should come in and have a cupcake."

I shrugged and walked in with her. She went behind the counter and got a blue cupcake with a butterfly on it.

I love did you know."

"You dont remember having these all the time... with Max, Gregg and me?" She said.

"No... who's Max?" I got my cupcake.

"You still have amnesia don't you..." i looked down," You do dont you... Oh my gosh! Skilar im so sorry i didnt even know."

" Its ok, really. Tell me about this Max guy."

"Well, Max was like your bestfriend along with Gregg and I. I, of course, liked Max because he was my boyfriend. He was great."

" i'd love to meet him!" I squealed.

"Uh, Skilar he, he passed away."

I dropped my cupcake.

"Wha- what? How?"

"You really don't remember, do you."

I shook my head no.

"Well, i wasnt there or you, you were grounded. Gregg saw the whole thing. Max, was the kind of kid who was a rebel out side of school. One day Gregg and him were at the Back River and Max had some weird energy drink. He told Gregg they were fine and he got them from a 'friend'. Well, Max drank one and he got somewhat drunk," She choked back tears.

" You dont have to tell me, i know its hard."

"No its okay, okay. Well, Gregg offered him a ride, but Max insisted that he was fine. Gregg tried to stop him, but Max pushed him away and drove off. When he went to pull out of the street a big truck hit him-"

She bursted with tears. I got up and held her. I cannot believe that this happened.

"I'm so sorry-"

Black dots took over my vision and i fell to the ground.


"Max! I'm stuck in this thing!"
Max, Beebee, and Gregg were over my house, when my mom was at work, and we were playing truth or dare. I was dared to get in the dryer and now i am stuck.

" That's hilarious!" Max came in and took a look at me, " Hey Gregg, come look at this."

"No!... i mean, uh, no it isn't funny Max." This is when i liked Gregg.

Gregg walked in the room and I'm pretty sure i looked like a tomato.

But then Gregg said, " Max, it isn't funny. Help her out when she asks for help."

Max made googly eyes at me and i made a face at him. Once he left, Gregg helped me out of the dryer and we kept playing Truth or Dare.

"Ok Gregg truth or dare?" Beebee asked while Max held her.


"Okay, i dare you to kiss Skilar." She said.

"What!" We both gasped.

"Gregg kiss Skilar...we'll leave if it would be more comfortable." She suggested.

"Gregg you don't have to." I said.

"No! I don't back out of dares."

Max and BeeBee left the room and Gregg turned to me and started leaning in.

"Uh, Gregg. You do realize this would be my first kiss." I spoke quietly.

"I know." He stopped.

" Its okay though, I'd rather someone i trust kiss me than anyone else."

"Would you kiss BeeBee over a random guy." He asked.

"Uh, i guess." I shrugged.

Gregg laughed and then got a serious face, " Skilar i would back out of the dare if you really don't feel comfortable with it."

"Do it."


"Because a girl like me may never get a first kiss-"

Gregg quickly shushed me with his lips against me. Of course, i was screaming inside beacause it felt so good. It was the best first kiss, that probably lasted a minute.

"Don't say that, one day you'll find some really cool guy."

I smiled and he called Beatrice and Max back in.

"Well, it took you long enough. We said just a kiss, not to eat each others faces-" Max fell over when a pillow was thrown at him.

Gregg and i shared a little laugh.

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