You let her go

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A/N- The song from this chapter is let her go by Passenger, keep reading to find out why!

After hours of trying to think of where this girl wanted to meet. I finally figured out that it was the Back River. I cant believe I almost forgot about that place. Yikes! What more can I forget, i mean I already have amnesia.

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my tumbler feed, when I could hear feet walk into the room. I look up and see Harry and some middle age woman walk into the room.

"Mom, this is Brynn. Brynn, this is my mother." Harry said slowy.

Harry gave me a pleading and I decided to just go with whatever he was saying, even though I was irritated.

"Hello Brynn." His mother greeted, a scowl on her face.

"Uhm, Hello!" I stood and extended my hand.

Harry's mom scoffed and turned to Harry.

"Ok, I'm done... be there at 8 o'clock sharp."

Harry and I stood and waited for his mom to leave. Once we heard the door shut I started talking.

"What the hell was that, Harry ?!?!" I was so pissed!

"That was my mom..." He said slowly.

"I'm not fucking stupid Harry, but you seriously expect me to be Brynn! If you want a fucking  Brynn go get her back don't make a fraud out of me!!!" I stormed off with Harry right behind me.

"Listen Skilar this is a misunderstanding-"

"Are you serious!" I was going to say more but I had no words for him.

How could he do that to me. Put me on the spot and make me someone else. Is that why he kissed me, is that why he's been so kind and caring to me... to use me. To be some puppet that he can just throw around and manipulate.

I grabbed my skate board and headed for the door. I was about to leave when Harry grabbed my skateboard and stopped me.

"Skilar please- I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Harry please let me go, I just need some air."

He stared at me a little while longer and then let me go.

A/N- Hey guys! I feel so bad it's been a long time since I've updated. I had major writers block, I'll probably do a double update if I have time, since it's been a while.well, I hope you like this chapter its a bit interesting for you guys.

Ummm one more thing, I know that Harry's mom is probably nice so please don't kill me for making her all mean and stuff. Its supposed to me part of the story.

Ok so that's all byyyyyeyeyeyeyyeeee


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