Clap along if you feel like Happiness is the truth

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A/N- The song from this song is Happy by Pharell Williams

Harry's pov

I really have started to like Skilar and I want her to be mine. I think she realizes that I like her too. I mean I kissed her. Maybe I should take her on a fancy date... no she seems like she would be bored there. Oooooh How about an amusement park. I don't know maybe. Maybe she just wants something-

"Whatcha thinking about?" Her voice spoke interrupted my thoughts

I turned and saw Skilar standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

"Oh nothing... nothing" I looked down.

I heard foot steps come closer and I looked up to see Skilar smiling at me.

"Tell me" She sang

" Do you want to go out on a date... somewhere... that you would like." I stuttered. God dammit, Harry!!

I looked at Skilars face which was tinted with confusion.

"I-I mean if you don't want to that's fine..." I trailed off.

"I'd love to Harry." She giggled.

I let out a huge breath, feeling like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder. Skilar walked out of the room saying she was getting a call from some one. Once she left I did a little happy dance. I can't believe she said  yes!!!!!!!!

A/N ~ Hey guyss!!!!!!! I'm really sorry this chapter is so short agggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!! The next few chapters are gonna be sorta filler chapters :'(  I know but this is a struggle. Alright I have a question for you all I really am getting tired of writing one direction stories... but I have one coming soon and it's a really good idea.. WHAT DO I DOOOOOOO HELP ME!!!!!!!


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