For the first time in forever

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a/n- the song from this title is "For the first time in forever" from Frozen. keep reading to find out why:)

Skiler pov

"Harry...can I use your car?" I stopped and stared at it.

" Yea, do you have your licence?"

I turned around to look at him and I shrugged.

I started to walk towards the car but Harry stopped me.

" I'll drive." He got in.

I huffed and got in the other side. I plopped down in the seat and he started driving.

Once he got to the end of the drive way he slammed on the breaks. he quickly put his arm in front of me, as I was about to fall out of my seat.

"Put your seatbelt on." He looked at me sternly.

I put it on in fear of Harry... even though I haven't known him forever he has never yelled at me. Maybe it was because of his girlfriend or because of the kiss.

I never told him where I was going and he just drove to somewhere.

We drove for hours until we reached the woods. He stepped out and came around to my side and helped me out.

"Where are we?" I looked around.

Harry grabbed my hand," My favorite place." 

He raced ahead as I was dragged behind him.

"Harry, Harry! Slow down." I stuck my heel in to the ground.

Harry stopped and came back to me as I was catching my breath.

"You ok, Ski?"

I nodded and grabbed his hand as we walked to his favorite place.

We soon came to a huge rock. Harry went on the top and fell through.

"Oh my god!!! Harry!"

I raced to the top and saw harry was standing up waiting to catch me.

"Are you sure Harry?" I asked nervously.

He smiled and nodded. I wasn't going to but then I slipped and fell in. I was so scared but, he caught me.

I looked around and saw everything but the inside of a rock. It had different kinds of paintings.

"Harry did you do all of these?" I went up to look at them all.

"Yea do you like them?" He sounded like he was right behind me.

"They're beautiful." I said breathlessly.

He turned me and pushed me against the wall softly. I stared into his eyes and he looked down at my lips. He leaned closer to me and I was dying to feel that soft touch of his lips again. As he was about an inch away he looked into my eyes and I nodded. He pushed lips on to mine and I closed my eyes.

I put my arm around his neck and he put his around my waist. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I granted it. Soon our we were exploring eachothers mouths. After a while I broke the kiss.

"Wow." was all I could say.

"I've wanted to do that from the moment I saw you."

I buried my face into his chest and for the first time in forever I was completely happy.

a/n- Hey guys!!!! Don't find me dorky or anything but, yes, I did use the song from Frozen as my chapter title. IT FIT OK!!!!!  Don't Judge. Anyways whats up guys!! I'm doing just dandy today! Ok thats all just vote read comment THHHHAAAANNNNNKKKKKKSSSSS Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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