let me be your girlfriend

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The song for this title I'd girlfriend by avril lavigne.

When I finally got to the "place", I saw a girl with red hair sitting and texting. I cleared my throat to get her attention.

"Uh, Beatrice?" I asked.

It certainly looked like her but, she got a lot taller and she wore a bit more makeup than she used to. I guess we both did change but, considering we haven't seen each other for so long, its a weird difference.

"Sup..." She said unsure of herself.

"I'm Skilar... Jameson." I smiled.

"Oh, uh hey, long time no see!" She got up and went to shake my hand.

I quickly stopped her and gave her a small hug, "Beebee, I'm so sorry, I never realized what and ass Gregg was. I was just so caught up in liking him, I always agreed to whatever he said. I never should have betrayed you, you were my real friend. I'm- I'm sorry."

"Well, you're really lucky that I'm a forgiving person. So when did you start realizing what a douche bag he was." She laughed.

"He got my sister pregnant and I overreacted a bit out of jealousy, but after that he was a jerk towards me." I explained.

"Mmm, tragic... but what can you do?" 

I spent hours with Beatrice laughing and catching up. We talked about all the fun times we had. I never realized what amazing friends we are. Once I checked the time I gasped.

"Wow, I've been here for so long, I better get going!" 

"Yea, me too. My brother will start worrying."

"Alright bye!" I said.

"See you!" 

We shared a small hug and went opposite ways. 


Once I finally made it home, I saw Harry was asleep, up right on the couch probably waiting for me. He's so sweet! I walked into the kitchen and saw a bouquet with a little not beside it. 

I read the note:

Dear Skilar, 

I know this is kind of cheesy but, do you want to be my girlfriend :)

circle: yes or no 

                                                           love, Harry

I guess this is Harry's apology for our fight. When I finished I laughed a little, and blushed. I searched around the drawers for a writing object. I found a black sharpie and quickly circled yes. I thought this was so cute. The flowers were my favorite flowers, a meadow buttercup.

I couldn't stop smiling, but I went to bed quickly so I could soon see Harry's beautiful face.

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