Tripping out spinning around

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authors note~ the song is "Alice" by Avril Lavigne

I woke to a bright light that could have blinded me if I hadn't shoved my face into the pillow. I layed there for another five minutes, until I finally got the will to get myself up. I dragged myself to the bathroom and found my purse in here.... weird? I took my toothbrush out and brushes my teeth. I then brushed my hair and did my makeup. I also got dressed in jeans and a white  shirt.

I walked down the stairs and met Harry in the kitchen and saw him making waffles.

I hugged him from behind which actually surprised myself, "Mmm... Waffles, my favorite."

He turned from the stove and faced me, "Why waffles?" 

"I don't know, they are fun to say and eat... so yea." I shrugged.

He laughed and kissed my forehead which definitely made me blush. I sat down at the table and Harry served me the waffles. I looked down at my plate and my mouth watered... Wow, I didn't realize how hungry I was. I don't think I ate anything ever since I had that cupcake at the bakery. I took a bite of the waffles and died. 

"These are the best waffles I have ever eaten in my entire nineteen years of living!" I said enthusiastically.

Harry chuckled, "Well, i'm glad you like 'em" 

I nodded and finished eating in silence. I wanted to cry once they were gone, they were just so good.

"You ready?"

"For What?"

"The doctors."

The truth was I wasn't ready not at all. I was so nervous. I knew my amnesia wasn't cured but something changed.

a/n- hey guyz uh, this chappie was more of a filler. I will definately write more in the next chapter


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