Know you better now

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a/n- the song From the title is know you better by Taylor Swift keep reading to find out why: )

I stopped skating when I realized I was in a town I've never been in before. I tried to remember how long I was skating and I think I was for hours. I walked until I came up to a cute, little bakery on the corner of an avenue. I walked in and the smell of pastries hits me. I walked up to the counter and saw the cutest cupcake behind the glass barrier; it had blue and white icing and a blue butterfly ring on top. I'm not much of a cupcake person but I couldn't resist besides I only want the ring!

A young woman walked up to the counter and put on a smile once she saw me.

"Hi! I'm Lily, how may I help you?" I could tell I didn't like this girl. She was too perky for me. I get that employees are supposed to be perky but I knew Lily was happy all the time. I just knew it.

"Oh, hi, can I have that blue butterfly cupcake there." I pointed to the cupcake.

Lily handed me the cupcake and she started to ring up the order in the cash register.

"That will be 3.00." I handed her the bills and I went to go sit down in a chair by the window.

I took the ring and licked the icing off of it, and then I put it on and hummed single ladies quietly. I grabbed my phone out of my book bag and I checked my messages. Klara and Gregg were blowing up my phone. Almost 100 missed calls. About 50 voice messages and like 30 messages each. I read through some of them and the one that really stood out to me was one from Gregg.

It said. "Come home. You're being ridiculous; it's not even that big of a deal." How is not a big deal? I'm pretty sure if he was in my place he would be upset too.

I brushed it off and ate my cupcake. The cupcake was really good, actually. I sat for a while staring out the window looking at the cars pass by. I saw families pass by so happy to be together; I wish I had a family to be happy with, but I don't. I kept staring until I got another text from Klara.

"I'm sorry, but you should come home to pick your stuff up. Yes, I am kicking you out of MY house." I gasped and started shaking.

I grabbed my bag and skateboard and left the bakery. I started tearing up I walked into an alleyway so I didn't cry in front of random people. Here I broke down. I couldn't help it I've been living there ever since I lost my memory. Klara tried so hard to be a mother figure to me and she tried to make me happy. Then Gregg was my best friend from the beginning. It hurts to see them together because I also had a huge crush on Gregg.

"Skilar is that you?"I lifted my head and saw Harry.

I wiped my eyes and responded. "Yea, it's me."

I got up and grabbed my stuff. He looked at me with concern. I started crying again and he wrapped his arms around me. After a couple of minutes I stopped crying and looked at his shirt. It was soaked with my tears.

"Sorry about your shirt, Harry." I looked up at him and he smiled.

"It's ok, besides I think you needed more than I did." I laughed and he smiled even more.

"I guess I did. Anyways can you maybe, give me a ride to my sister's house?" He looked at me and confusion.

"You mean your house, right." He started walking and I followed.

I scoffed "Not if she just kicked me out."

Harry gasped. "What? Why?"

I shrugged. I didn't feel comfortable telling him, not yet anyways. Harry nodded. We kept walking and before I knew it we were at his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. Harry got in soon afterwards and started the car. He drove in silence for a while until he asked the one question I was hoping he wouldn't.

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