I just wanna scream, what now?

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a/n- the song from this title is "What Now" by Rihanna. Keep reading to find out why.

I woke up with the sun on my face. I smelled eggs and something else.  I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I then walked downstairs and heard a girly voice.

"Harry, can you pass me the salt?"

"You're making pancakes, why do you need salt?" Harry said.

"Harry just because- Why do I even try?" I heard a huff.

"What?"Harry asked.

"Nothing...Harry get off." Damn.

"The question should be why do I even try?" He muttered.

"You know what Harry, you shouldn't have to anymore.... I'm sick of you constantly complaining!!"

I saw a girl with bleach blonde hair storm past. I hid around the corner and peeked my head out.

"Brynn, please." Harry came and grabbed her arm.

"No Harry, this, this has gone on too long. I can't do this anymore." She turned towards so I saw her face.

She had way, way, way to much makeup on and she was super skinny.

"Can't do what?" Harry let go of her.

"Harry I'm leaving because I can't see you be heartbroken.... I'm cheating on you." She started crying and went  out the door.

I ran back upstairs, quietly. I grabbed my phone and was about to text Gregg about what just happened, but then I remembered we weren't friends anymore... I got dressed into black, denim jeans. I put on a long sleeved blue shirt and high boots. Lastly I put on a white infinity scarf. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair. I walked downstairs and saw Harry on the couch with his head in his hands.

"Harry?" I said turning the corner.

He stood up quickly and wiped away tears. I walked over to him and he collapsed onto me, in tears. I sat down and rubbed his back. I waited a while and he stopped crying. I mentally sighed. The next thing I know, Harry sat up and kissed me. I gasped and pushed him off of me.


He realized what he did and immediately apologized," Oh my gosh, Skilar! I am so sorry!"

"No its fine, you were upset." The truth was I liked it, I liked it a lot.

He nodded and got up, "Well I'm pretty sure breakfast is burnt, wanna eat somewhere... out."

I heard him mutter, "I'm not hungry now."

I shook my head, " No, I'm good" 

I walked over to the door and grabbed my huge brown purse... I felt so girly today; I might get my nails done.

"Where are you going." Harry asked.

"Somewhere, wanna come?"

He nodded and we walked out the door of to somewhere.

A/N- Guess what book isn't on hold.... THIS ONE!!!!! oh yea...if you want to read my book that I just finished please do it is called Don't let me go again (Zayn MMalik FanFiction). who else feels bad for Harry... that stupid Brynn biaaaatch cheated on him.... urgh BYYYYYYEE


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