1. School (backstory)

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(❗Trigger warning!❗ mentions of self harm. Pretty Bad Bullying. As well as very creepy and unsettling Sleep paralysis description. Stalking and paranoia. A bit if blood
You can skip this chapter! Its just a bit of backstory!
Also yes this chapter is fucked up)


You slowly sit up


You lazily bring your hand over and turn the alarm off, your hand had kinda slumped down onto it hard. You bring your hand away and look at where it hit you. As a light sting ran through your wrist

Of course. Your skin had been weakened by hurting yourself. So you were bleeding. You sigh and stand up. Lately you have been having lots of sleep paralysis.

Every night. You would go to sleep. Then wake up at about 2 or so every morning and see something in the corner of the room, in the middle of the room, or by the window or bedroom door. Every. God. Damn. Night. You would feel paralyzed and the entire time it would just silently stare. You only would be able to see its silhouette.

You hated it. But the thing is...you would seem to never wake up. You wouldnt just pass out and wake up in the morning like you would think. You would lay there. Until 4. Just two hours before you had to get up for a shitty day at school or doing nothing in your house. But it wouldnt disappear. It always left by the window or the bedroom door. Your bedroom floor is carpeted. So no footsetps. But every time it steps onto the hardwood floors of your hallway it made a soft tap before you see it walk off. The door wide open.

Once the alarm finally went off..you would feel free thinking its over, and be able to move. Though on the weekends, you have to wait until day before you felt safe to even move. Though you could.

Anyway, you go and take a shower and brush your hair and teeth. You throw on a horror movie shirt and some ripped jeans. You wore these big black combat boots.

You eat a pop tart (or whatever you want to) and stand up. You grab a bandage and put it on your wrist and sigh. You sit and watch TV for about 15 minutes before standing. You grabbed your bag and start to leave. You hopped into your truck and drive to school.

Once there you sit for about 3 minutes before coming out and walking into the building. Of course. Your three bullies always were there waiting for you. You walk past them and the grab your arm and yank you back to them. Blocking your path.

"Fuck off" you sigh.

"You look like shit" one laughs. She had long straight blond hair. She was skinny, A-cup chest, a small ass, and wore a croptop and skinny jeans. She wore just normal tennis shoes. She was just one of the main bitches little proxies.

"Yeah feel like it to" you sigh. You hated them. You were tired of everything going on and just never could take a break from everyone and everything.

"Oh? Did The slut of the school get 'scratched' again?" Laughs the other proxy of the main Bitch. She had short brown curly hair. She wore a big Shirt under an open baggy jacket that her jock boyfriend gave her. She wore shorts and knee high socks with converse.

"Kinda? My alarm clock fucked up my wrist this morning cause I have thin skin on my wrists" you say. You didnt care they were trying to bully you. You were just to tired.

"Did you not get enough sleep or something, whore?" Ask the blond one.

"Never do." you roll your eyes. You just go around them.

"Whatever. I guess she got wrecked by her dad again last night." laughed the main bitch. She had long blond hair as well. But it was longer. She wore a short skirt, a crop top, and very expensive shoes.

You stop. You turn back to her.

"Oh? What? Finally realizing how much of a stupid slut you are. You should kill yourself!" She laughs. You walk back over to her.

"Listen Bitch. Im done with all of your dumb shit! I get only three hours of sleep because of sleep paralysis. My father is dead, and my mother disowned me because she thought it was my fault and I wouldnt let her make me into a Catholic girl. I have a job so I can live in my small shitty home. Not to mention I constantly put up with your bullying because you have to make my life worse then it already is because your parents neglect you! Her parents divorced," you point to the other blonde one. "Her dad is fuck knows where, and her mom has a shitty boyfriend!" You point to the brunette. "So shut the fuck up for one fucking day before I finally let go of the little string that is keeping me from killing you three assholes." You hiss. You were done, and you hated it. All three stood there. Dumbfounded and started to feel bad about themselves.

You left them. You got to your classroom and slump into your seat in the corner near the window. You sigh and notice that the teacher was using the bathroom. You the only one in the unlocked room. You let your head drop and bang against the desk. You sigh and then look towards the window. You just watch the window and look out at the street. For a second you thought you saw something near the tree just outside the schools fence. You do a double take but nothing was there.

You shake your head and sigh. Paranoia. Another thing you have been getting alot since the sleep paralysis has started.

You sigh. The entire day was tiring and shitty. Like always. No one stopped fucking with you. The entire school hated you. For what you may ask?

Oh. Because why not? You were someone they could all just bully and fuck with because you were to tired to stop them, and because of the queen bitch telling everyone what happened they targeted you more.

You were just so done.

Once the day at school was done. You just leave and go home and slump your bag down on your floor. You close and lock your door. You walked to your bedroom and closed your door. You slump down sliding down the door.

"Man I hate school" you sigh.

You wish...you just wish they wouldnt act like young kids who liked another kid and thought being mean was suppose to be flirting. Got you hated that. You hated everything. You sigh.

Thats when the ringing started. You cover your ears and curl into a ball. It didnt work. It never works! You start to shake and you scream.

"AAA FUCK STOP IT!!" you hissed. Since you were a child there would be a static like nose that played through your ears whenever you felt not alone in a room. It only stopped when the lonely feeling was back. "PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" you hiss. It made your ears bleed as it got louder and louder...

(This is where our story begins!)

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