8. Zoning out

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"So" Poppy continued. "Im not gonna beat around the bush. You three totally heard at least most of what we were talking about" oh that didnt help with your new rising panic.

"Y-yeah. Thats o-o-ok-k. I-it is creepy for th-three random dudes t-to find out whe-where you live and-and be there for a few h-hours with your uncon-unconscious body" Toby smiled.

"Ok dude Im sorry but what is going on with your face?" She says dumbfound by the placement of the bandage. Oh right. You never told her that part.

"W-what is there something on-on it?"

"Yeah a bandage" she laughs softly.

"O-oh" he looks at you.

"i-it was from a..a thing he cant remember. Yes its..its real" you say still struggling to even think straight. At least your breathing had calmed down.

"Oh. May I see?" She asks. Toby looks at her making you feel a little better as he takes off the bandage. "That..looks like something from a carcrash" she says. Surprised. "Dude are you ok?"

"O-oh. This happened whe-when I was younger so-so-s-s-so yeah. Sorry. My fuckin ti-tics act u-up alot" he says as he continues to jolt twitch and make soft weird noises. (Because there is more to tourettes then just jolting/twitching and stuttering)

You couldnt lie..you thought some of the little sounds he made were cute. There was a little clicking, and a soft whistle. Although it sounds like all his bones crack when he twitches which would make you jump because of your panic state.

Poppy tries to keep all their attention away from you as you start to zone out.

As you zone out you didnt feel light. Nor heavy. But you felt blind even though you wearnt. Blind to things around yes. But you could see 5 feet infront of you. Then everything gets black. A nice solid circle of sight before nothing. Just darkness.

Blind...yes..and no...sick...yes..and no..you felt like everything at once before feeling nothing.

You look around. 'Where am I?' You take a step forward. Thats when you feel something under your covered foot. You looked down and saw a flash light. You remember your phone and look in your pockets. No phone. No keys. No book bag..and..are these different clothes? Same shoes and these are your clothes..just not the ones you wore today. You pick up the flash light and then. You could now look out further to scan your surroundings..but only with the flashlight.

You look around..a..a forest? Was this the one only a few feet from your not fenced in back yard? Just a few feet from the borders of your property. You shake your head. You didnt care. But if this was the forest..were you close to home? You shake your head once more and look around.

You must be to deep in the forest. You dont remember this clearing. Fuck...you dont know where to go.

You hear a twig snap.

You turn around so quickly you felt a bit dizzy. You scanned the tree line of the not to big warped circle of a clearing. You were possibly 6ish feet from the tree line. Thick trunks and trees close together and almost made it hard to see anyone.

Then another twig snaps. Then another. Then another. All different areas within such a short amount of time. Fuck. Your head spun as static pierced your ears. Fuck fuck fuck! Not again. Not now!

Then three masked men and a masked female come into the clearing. Only one real opening. You didnt have time to process as you sprint. All starting to sprint after you. One almost grabbed you but somehow missed. You hear a crack and you run. You run.

Your head spun. Static rung loudly through the forest itself and you felt like being watched. Your legs started to sting and it felt as if your legs were being ripped off. It hurt so badly after probably what felt like days when it was only a few seconds or minutes of running. Even though you never have been here it felt as if you know this part of the forest. Easily Getting through the rough terrine.

Then you trip. That fucking trip. You try to get up before a big boot shoves you over to your back and a different boot is rested on your chest and pressure is put onto it. You hiss as your entire body felt like it was being crushed by the not even heavy pressure being put to your burning chest.

You look up. The three males take their masks off. You freeze under the foot. Toby Tim and Brain. You didnt know the girl and she kept her mask one. The girl had her boot on your chest.

"Looks like the you did need my help" laughs the girl. She started to reach down twords your face. As soom as her gloved hand touches your face..

You snap back into reality. You gasp and pant. They all look at you. Toby gently shaking you by your shoulder.

"A-are you o-ok?" He asks tilting his head.


"did one of your weird visions come back?" Poppy mumbles. You gently nod and feel even more uneasy near the boys.

'Help with what? Why were they chasing me? Why did they wear those face masks?..and who was that girl? Why were they chasing you. Why was there so much static? Why did it feel so weird running..why did it hurt?' Your mind raced with these thoughts and more. You felt light headed. You downed another cup of water and then another before laying your head gently on the table.

"Oh. Come on. I should take you home" poppy says.

"I-I can do it" Toby says. "I can d-drive" he says trying to be able to be alone with you and talk.

"N-no Toby. Its fine. I got her. Come on. Get up please so she can leave" Poppy says. Toby reluctantly does so as you slide out. Poppy pays and helps you stand. You put so much dead weight on her she almost dropped you but didnt.

"sorry im heavy" you mumble softly.

"youre fine" she smiles and brings you home to let you rest...

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now