22. Light injuries

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"Oh. Also. Why did you come through my porch and not the front door? And also, why now? Its pretty late" Poppy asks.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you. And its not a very good surprise if everyone does it. Randomly coming through the front door at like. 12 or 1 PM. Isnt it more fun for it to be. 10:30ish PM when a knockin comes from the porch??"

"Well...I guess. I mean...It is cool to have a weird friend like you. Hey how did you even get up? Im on the second floor-"

"Well see ya!" You run out. You hop the railing landing on the wall. Poppy and Daniel run after you but stops as they watch you run off.

You walk through the forest panting softly as you were running for hours..and getting lost. You kept walking and gently rubbed your arms.

The forest was denser..and colder now then a few hours before. You could practically see your breath! The trees were tall. Suddenly it felt foggy, and it became harder to see around you.

"awww fuck" you mumble. It has to be WAY past curfew! And you hate having to deal with Slenderman. You gently rub your arms as it felt colder. You then stop as you hear a twig behind you break. You look down. No twig..you look around. Focusing on behind you. "shiiiiiiiit" you mumble and turn around.

You didnt see anything. But just the soft twig snap scared you enough to want to leave.

Maybe an hour later something BIG blocked your path. At this point the fog only had gotten heavier and it had gotten colder. You excepted this was how you die. From a bear..or from a skin walker or whatever it is infront of you. You take a few steps back.

Yes you except it. But you at least wanted to try to get away. It charged at you. You ran the other way. You ran. And ran. But it was faster.

It tackled you. It pinned you to the ground before it starts to lick your cheek. You were about to question it before the sun started to rise. It casted just enough light for you to see what it was...

Seed eater! Oh thank god!! You turn around, still on the ground.

"Holy shit Seed!!" You smile and hug his head. He nuzzles you.

"Seed glad he found you" seed smiles the best he can.

"Im glad you found me too Seed!" You pet his large head/mask. "Hey seed do you know where we are?"

"Yes. Follow seed. Seed can help you find home!" He exclaims. You follow him for three hours. You finally get home.

"Holy shit Seed Thank you!!" You hug his big body again.

"Seed says you are welcome!" He says and rests his head on your shoulder. The door opens, all of them come out. EJ and Toby hug you tightly.

"Boys....boys air" you squeak as their hug was suffocating. They let you go. EJ immediately checks for wounds. A few cuts. But nothing to big.

"Ooh! Y/N is all cut up! No worrys! I can help!!" Sally exclaims excitedly jumping up and down. She starts to pull you off.

"Those are real cuts Sally! Use what I taught you!" Slenderman says as they all go in after you.

"Ok Mr.Slendyman!" She waves twords him and brings you off.

She cleans up your wounds, uses hydrogen peroxide to disinfect them more. She made sure there was no fly eggs or anything in them or even maggots, before patching up the cuts with big bandages and two with ace bandages.

You looked in the mirror for once. Your hair was a mess. All dirty, and covered in dirt and leaves. Your clothes had been ripped up and torn. Covered in dirt, mud, and some blood. You had a bandage on your cheek, side, two on your left leg, and an ace bandage wrapped around your right hand and your left calf. As they were deeper cuts and even bigger ones. You had a few small blisters on your feet from wearing your boots from 9-6 which would be 9 hours. Though they werent new they hurt if worn for to long. And you ran for most of it so.

You were glad you wore socks as it prevented the blisters from forming sooner. You go, take a quick shower, fix up the bandages and leave. You sit in your room in an over sized shirt and underwear. You enjoyed the warmth of your bed, and the safe aura your room had.

You take care of yourself throughout the day. That night Slenderman had called you to his office.

"Sup Slendy?" You ask as you enter his office.

"How are the blisters on your feet?" He asks with a soft hum.

"Oh..yeah. They are fine i guess" you nod.

"Thats good. Im glad. What about your cuts?"

"Oh. Yeah..they are healed. They dont hurt much either way. Did you just wanna know if I was ok?"

"No. Not just that. Your friend, Poppy, have you told her anything about us?"

"Oh. No"

"Good. Anything about were you live currently?"

"No sir. I have not told her about you, the others, the mansion, or that I live so close to the town. All she knows is that Im safe and no longer in town"

"You are positive she isnt suspicious about you?"

"No. A little joke made me think that for a second. But. I have confirmed that she doesnt think Im a murder, etc"

"Good. Im glad. If you dont tell her anything about us, or anything that proves we are real, etc, you may keep visiting her. But for right now. Keep it to a minimum of once every week or so"

"Yes sir. Anything else?"

Slenderman shook his head and dismissed you...

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