11. A Murder

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You had stayed home. You did all your classes online and often had your best friend come over to help and hang out.

It has been three days since the incident. And you were watching the news with Toby, Tim, Brian, And your Best friend (Poppy).

"Today we found out about a terrible accident! It seems a local gym teacher has been murdered in cold blood just two nights ago" The news reporter says. It shows the picture of the gym teacher. "It seemed all of his students loved him. Today. We will be interviewing some to get their word in the matter. Stay toned" she says as it cuts to commercials.

"Damn thats tough" you shrug drinking your soda.

"Uh-? But wasnt he your-" you cut poppy off.

"Was my favorite gym teacher. When he gave me detention he tried to touch me and refused to let me leave so I kicked his teeth in"

"What about..wait did you kill him?!"

"What no! It said he was found dead in his house! After that day I locked myself in my house and I hurt him when we were in the class room!" You say in a slight hiss.

"I do wanna see the body though"

"Ew why?"

"I dont know. I liked fucked up shit like that"

"God you are so fuckin weird" she rolls her eyes and chuckles.

"Yup~" you laugh. The news was back. It shows one of the queen bitch and her dogs behind her.

"Miss can I ask you a few questions about the sudden murder of one of your gym teachers?"

"Uh...sure.?" The queen bitch says.

"Who do you think would have a motive to do this?"

"Im not sure. He was a nice man. Maybe some sicko the same sicko that hasnt come to school in three days"

"it has been the weekend-" she cut off one of her bitches.

"Yeah but she got detention with him and now, hes dead and she hasnt shown up to school yet"

"Do you think we can talk to this girl?".

"Yeah! She is probably at home. Her name is Y/N L/N and you should go find her address and talk to her!"

"Well thank you girls. We will ask another few students then we will take a short break and find the Y/N's house and interview her! So that we can know what really happened in that detention!" Yay more commercials.

"Oh shit she cant go on TV.." Poppy says.

"Its fine. Once they see me just back up everything I say" You calm Poppy. She nods. After the second commercial break there was a knock at your door. "Comin!" You yell and go to the Door pulling poppy along. The news rang.

"We are currently waiting for the door-" and it opens.



"Look I was watching the news. After I left detention I dont know what happened to the gym teacher. Me and my friend Poppy were here all weekend together"

"Yup! The entire weekend" poppy conforms

"What were you doing?" The news women asked.

"We were just hanging. Talking and stuff" you shrug.

"We just hung out and stuff really. We didnt even really leave the house"

"Do you know what happens when you would go to sleep?" She asks poppy.

"Uh-..we never sleep" she says.

"Yeah. We stayed up all night playing video games or watching movies. We havent slept for a solid 48 or so hours untill last night"

"Ok so do you have prove you slept?"

"Heh you think I have a video?" You ask. She stayed silent. "Yeah I do" you nod and go.

Most of it wasnt wrong. You showed the video of all three nights (mainly to the cops so they could fuck off). You and her talking, Playing games, or watching movies for the past two nights. Then the last night you both falling asleep on the couch.

Then you woke up and moved out of view of the camera. You moved the view to show both the living room and the kitchen where you got water and came back and flopped onto your friend waking poppy up. Both of you playing before falling asleep again. Then the morning came. You turned off the laptop and looked at her..

"There. Proof" you cross your arms.

"Well. Do you know who would do such a thing?" She asks.

"Uh actually..no. He was pretty ok and didnt do much so. I dont know anyone from at least our school that didnt like him" you shrug.

"Alright. Thank you for the imput"

"Wait. What about your friend there?" The cops point to the three males in your living room.

"I dont know. Go ahead. Talk to em I dont care" you shrug. The cops walk in and you make sure the camera crew stays out. "Please leave now" you say and close the door on them.

The cops made all three boys a bit nervous. All of them said they were with each other and during the day sometimes with you. Which you confirmed even if it wasnt true. You only turn on your cameras at night and when you werent home. So the past few days days nothing during the day was filmed. Just night.

Two out of the three cops watched the videos at night before they paused it on the third night. They seemed puzzled. You walk over as the third cop just questions the boys.

"Whats up?" You ask the cops. They show you the footage of that night before you woke up. Someone was in your window. "What the fuck..?" You mumble. You watch all the videos back staring at the window and sliding glass door that was locked. No matter what there was someone in the window or just beyond the glass watching. "Fucking shit man!" You jump back a bit. "I fuckin am being stalked what the hell????" You hiss.

"Would you like us to-"

"No. You have a fuckin murder to solve. Im just gonna..get more cameras and keep them rolling at all times now. Fuck man. I thought I was just fuckin crazy"

"You are" your friend laughs.

"Not the time Pop" you mumble as you lean over the computer and type into amazon 'Security camera' mumbling a string of cuss words. The cops all now focus on the boys.

"Are you sure thats all that happened?" The cop asks..

"Yes. That is" Tim says nodding...

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