29. Another Dimension

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Although Slenderman was already taking time into researching whats going on with you. You decided to do so too. But you decided to research something different then him.

Instead of what you were and maybe why you would experience such a strong power surge. You researched and read about demons, Zalgo, and how to get into his hell like dimension.

So many blood sacrifices, and shit like that. You hum.

Then you found a way to open a portal to and from his dimension.

You pack some weapons in a bag, put on a weapon decked out utility belt. You had three spray cans of black paint, and had your gasmask on. You also had ace bandages in the smallest pocket and a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide, just incase.

You go out into the abandoned cabin that you killed all those teens in. You go to one of the walls.

You use the cans of spray paint to draw Zalgos symbol on the wall. You use one and a half. Which was good. Cause you were gonna have to remake it, as well as destroy the first so it would have been less likely for demons to pass through.

Anyway, you cut your index finger and made the satanic cross in the middle of the symbol using your blood.

You chant something in what you assumed was Latin, or some other old language, putting your hand over the symbol of the satanic cross.

From the middle of the symbol the portal opens up to the outer ring of the symbol. You smirk and walk in. You look behind you and waited for a minute. As soon as the outside line was visible you scratched the paint off fully closing and disabling the portal. It closes. You take a bit to destroy the portal more and made it look like something completely different.

You put your hood up and walk, following the street. You notice pictures of the creepypastas, and such.

~insert creepypasta picture~
Dead or alive.

They are all wanted down here.

Then you saw multiple flyers plastered on buildborads.


Is what it read.

You then saw your own wanted picture. You hide into a disgusting gas station bathroom nearby and huff.

You look at yourself and cut your hair with your knife. It was rough and messy now. And much shorter. You had snuck into a close by 'beauty' story, and stole some black eyeliner, and lipstick. You looked into the broken mirror.

You put the lipstick on, and use that and the eyeliner to make markings on your face to try and blend in. You took out a bandanna and covered part of your lower face. You took your jacket off and tied it around your waist.

You then left and walked to the huge castle that stood tall in the middle of the huge city.

You take in the strange beauty of the city and the strangely relaxing but dangerous vibe the city was engulfed in. The only reason it had that dangerous vibe was because every single corner you turned, or alleyway you looked into, something illegal up on Earth would have to be happening.

You soon get to the huge gate infront of of the castle. Not one guard..strange...

You thought there would be at least one. You look around for a second before pushing the gate open. You walk forward and into the empty halls of the castle.

'No one is around...why the fuck is this place so empty?' You think to yourself before pushing a huge double doored gate open.

It swings open to reveal this huge throne room. Every single guard, maid, and such of that nature lined perfectly on either side of a red carpet the lead to the throne.

A huge red demon sat in the throne. His head rested in one of his palms as he looked at the door, now you, with a half lidded gaze.

"Look at that. You actually came here. I didnt even have to go and find you" He says with his demonic voice. Such a low, and smooth tone.

"Im guessing youre this Zalgo fuck?" You asked walking twords him, down the red carpet. The demons lining said carpet scowled at you as you walk by. You stop about halfway down the red carpet.

"Yes. My name is Zalgo"

"I said that already dumbass" you hissed. "Anyway. Were you the reason I had that weird power surge?"

"Yes. You see. You arent human-"

"I guessed that already"

"Let me talk. Anyway. You are one of my many, many, creations. No. You are not my child. But when you were just a fetus. I possessed that daddy of yours. And gave your mother human meat. It was an experiment I was trying. It seemed to have worked. You. You, my creation, are a strange, but powerful demon!" he states. You stare blankly at him.

"Ok. But what about all of my illnesses, and that power surge??"

"The illnesses was Slendermans fault. I had absolutely no part in those. Now, the power surge was a surge that drained your life energy because of your demon like characteristics awakening. The reasoning? Because of the overwhelming blood scent the others had on them. It surged your senses and activated your true nature!"

You sat there silently..

'What...the....fuck?' You think to yourself...it didnt make sense. It sounded more like You were a wendigo and not a demon!

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now