23. Almost Getting Caught During a Hunt

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Its been a few days, possibly about a week. You were out hunting with Toby, Masky, and Hoodie. Slenderman had asked for you four to just walk around and kill any trespassers. Which you didnt mind. It felt nice to be outside at night.

The forest was cold and slightly damp. It was foggy that night. It had been rainy all day, but now that it was over you four walked together to hunt. The sun had just set.

There was a light path that became more outgrown the deeper you went. Or less outgrown the closer you get to the town it lead from/to.

You felt something drip onto your forehead. You felt it and Masky Shined the one flashlight you four had at your hand. He brung it just incase. Anyway, it was just some water.

You wipe it on your shirt and continue to walk. The only sound was the crickets, light buzzing from time to time when passing bugs flew near your ear. And the soft crunching of the leaves under your and the others shoes.

Wind blew your hair back as you gently smile.


You stop them and look around. They do as well. Masky had already put his flashlight away.

Faint talking...

You smirk.

"i think we got ourselves some pray boys~" you smirk a lightly chuckle.

You had decided to only wear a gas mask like mouth guard, to show your victims your eyes. (Basically a gas mask without the eye part/only the mouth)

You four hide off the path and stalk to the group of people. As it was dark you couldnt make out their faces. One had a camera.

"This is a bad idea!" Says one of them.

"Oh calm down dude! We are gonna be SO FAMOUS if we get these guys on camera!" Says a familiar voice as one reaches their hands out.

"Yeah calm down" chuckles another slightly familiar voice.

"Creepypastas arent real. They are just made up storys. They are made up to give people on youtube content and to keep people up at night. You really think that a gray demon with no eyes eat kidneys?" Asks one of the others.

"Yeah but serial killers are real!" Squeaks the first one to speak. They all stop at the intersect of a few more paths. They look at each other.

"Yes but creepypastas arent. The most we will watch on camera is wild life or even something we arent suppose to catch. Like someone getting killed" says the second unknown voice. The one with the camera, which was the skeptic rolls their eyes.

"Either way. Look. Lets not split up. Can we just turn around before its to late?" Asks the first one. One of the others takes the camera.

"You two can go home. Me and Daniel are gonna go look around!" Says the first familiar voice.

'daniel..? where have i heard that name before..?' You think to yourself. It couldnt be the guy you met a while back with poppy..right?

"Actually.." Says the second familiar voice.


"Yeah..uh..I...I dont think we should be out here. I know you wanna catch these creepypastas on camera because of your..weird obsession after Y/N left but..please. Calm down. They arent real. You have to accept that Y/N was a bit mentally ill"

"Stop saying that!!! Sure Y/N had a few mental illnesses and stuff but that doesnt mean Y/N was crazy or something!" The voice hissed.


You gasped you yanked the boys back as all four of the teenagers you were about to kill look over. You cover The Tobys mouth as Brian and Tim covered their own mouths.

"Thats our sign to get out of here!" One yelps and bolts the other way. So does the other one. Daniel and Poppy look at each other.

"Poppy we need to go. Somethings there"

"What if its Y/N?!"

"Its not. Y/N doesnt live here anymore. We need to go. Its..probably a predator or something"

"NO! All of Y/Ns symptoms were Slender sickness! Creepypastas have to be real. I..I have to find Y/N. I havent heard from Y/N since you two met! Please! Believe me!" She held Daniels hand.

"Poppy...lets go home. Im sure Y/N will contact you again. You're going crazy over nothing"

"But...its not nothing..please believe me!"

"Lets go home. You need rest. Then we can come back and look around more"

"They wont come out during the day!"

"I know. But..that means if they are real-"

"They ARE real Daniel!"

"Then that means its safer" he says gently petting her head. "Lets go. Please"



"No! I said No Daniel! Im not leave without Y/N! You can either stay with me or not!"

"We are going home. Please. Poppy. I dont want you to get hurt out here"

"Please lets just stay a bit longer!" She pleads.

"fine.." Daniel mumbles. They walk deeper into the woods as the others were already running home.

"lets go kill the other two while we have the chance" Masky whispers. Hoodie nods.

"you three can go. im..im gonna stay and watch poppy and daniel for a bit longer" you whispered to them.

"ok. toby you comin?" masky asks.

"u-uh...yeah..b-be safe y-..k/n (killer name)" Toby says softly. You nod. They sneak away to go kill the other two. You stay hidden, and sneak, stalking them from the bushes.

"We dont even have a camera anymore-" Daniel says trying to convince Poppy to leave. But, she already had her phone out. She starts recording.

"Ok! Hello everyone. Its P-o-p-p-y, Im poppy! Here with Daniel. We are live for the first time, I am also screen recording this to put up on my youtube channel. As we are on Instagram live. Anyway. As most of you may have known, almost all of my social media platforms have been turned into ones of creepypastas and horrors! We are currently in the hunted forest around my town. We were using my friends camera but they bailed so Im just. Using my phone!" She explains to her phone. You know she was popular in a way. Everyone in our town followed her. And others around in and outside the forest. And the recent change from cute moments with you to one of fantasy and horror, cought more attention.

Which for you, wasnt to good currently...

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