14. Insane?

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After prom the static seemed to be non stop now. Only small hour long breaks. Which seems long but..you started to get use to the static. You felt completely insane...but you didn't feel alone..

You felt as if someone was right there...waiting for you, someone that will steal you and keep you away from all of this...or someone that will help you embrace it so you can join these weird figures you are seeing around. Your life, even if you no longer go to school was crazy, and felt like some huge nightmare! Although something tells you, you wont wake up from it.

You sat alone in your locked house, all blinds, currents, everything was closed and locked...Sometimes you feel like you were hearing things all around and that someone, or something was just outside that thin sheet of glass, or a door that wouldn't be to hard to knock down, If you wanted to at least, or you were as strong as...Toby..

You feel a shiver go up your spine from that night. That weird vison of the boys and that one girl coming back...Man you hated it so much. You didn't hold it against the boys though. You doubt they would actually kill someone...right?...Right?

You felt dizzy again...your vison went in and out of focus and you became filled with anxiety and paranoia. Like most nights.

Poppy had even said there was a spare room in her house, how come you didn't just move in there? Oh that's because you don't want to be the adopted child of a Hispanic mother. You loved Poppy and her mom and dad but...you were sassy as fuck and know you wouldn't survive a day with her as a momma.

Anyway, your mental health started to go down hill, faster then ever. It was at an ok level and occasionally would go back up when it was the weekend, etc, etc. But now that school was done, you thought you could just become better and less stressed, focus on your job, not have to deal with people from your school. But of course, you just cant have anything good, can you?

What had happened was that your weird once okish symptoms of a weird illness, became worse.

Nosebleeds, where your nose would drip blood, and sometimes even gush it. The visions had became more vivid...and disturbing. You would wake up and see your dead dads ghost like being fly at you screaming that you were the reason he killed himself. Then static of course. There seemed to be a new voice, a deep echoy male voice telling you to kill, harm or do something like that to others and people around you. You would now coastally puking up blood, and have these huge coughing fits.

Because of this Poppy and her mother brought you to a hospital, and the doctors only could give you pills that slightly helped with the voices, the coughing up and puking blood, as well as tried to help with the vision of your dad, that only stopped those visions/illusions instead of all of them. They also were taking a lot of tests on your blood. The results were all over the place. So many weird different illnesses that weren't even that common in people, or most animals. Which struck you as weird because, they are so weird and seemed to be so random.

One day you were researching these...illnesses a lot of the illnesses and symptoms always brought you to weird police cases...and a fiction character as there was sightings of him everywhere before people would claim to have these same illnesses.

Then you saw a few police reports that...all seemed to end in either a dead end or the person 'dying'.

Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers

Brian Thomas

Timothy "Tim" Wright

And so many more, but those names stick out to you, as all three seemed to be ether dead or missing. You stand, and get dizzy, which was just some of your iron deficiency at its finest.

Over the next few days you became obsessed with these...'cases'. You finally confirmed that those three cases, were definitely about your friends. You became even more paranoid by it.

You hum gently and text the group chat named "The boys" which were just Tim, Brian, and Toby.

The boys

You: Hey can you three come over?

Ticcy Man: Why? Something up?

You: Just come over you three.

Elvis (Tim): Ok

Dead inside (Brian): Ok

Ticcy Man: OK Be rigght there

You: Good

You put your phone away and sit in your couch. About 20ish minutes later they come over and knock.

You open the door and lock it right behind them when they enter the room.

"Go...Go sit on the couch" You say. You were now very unsure about these three. One acted like one of your two stalkers. That weird vision which became recurring. Now...These three were suppose to be dead or missing? You had a knife in your back pocket ready to fight if needed.

"Whats up?" Tim asks. You pull up all of your evidence

"You three are suppose to be dead or missing. One of you have very similar characteristics of one of my stalkers, and when I zoned out At the cafe. I thought I saw you three chasing me through the middle of the woods with this strange girl! Explain everything that's been happening since I met you three! Everything has been crazy! I now have all these weird diseases and illness and my mental state is begging to plummet Faster then when someone falls down a mountain made of ice" You hiss. You felt so crazy and weird yelling at your three friends, as if you were blaming them, for everything...

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now