26. The Decision

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"Y/N..? Y/N!!"

You shoot awake. You immediately start to cough up blood. After a few minutes you finally stop. Your throat sore. The person who had woken you up gave you water. You drank it and looked at them.

It was Eyeless Jack.

"hey ej...Do you know what Slendy did to Poppy.?" You ask.

"Yes. He is talking to her now. Once he is done he will judge her. And see if she can be one of the few humans we let live and even remember us"

"Help me go to them! Im not letting him judge her without me!" You hiss softly. He smiles under his mask.

He had always loved when you got over protective of Poppy. He thought it was cute. As if you were actually threatening to him-

Anyway, he did help you. He brought you to Slendermans office and knocked.

"Come in" he says. And EJ brings you in.

The scene infront of you...was better then you would have thought! Slenderman sat normally in his desk. Poppy standing infront of him.

"Yes child?" He asks

"Slenderman...what are you gonna do with poppy.?"

"Im not sure yet. I was waiting for you. Im letting you decide. You are her best friend" he says.

You think.

'I wanna let her go...but..it could be dangerous. But it could also be dangerous if she stays..fuuuuck. What should I say? If we let her go, if we erase her memories then she will come looking for answers. If we make it seem like a weird dream she will..come lookin for answers. If we let her go while letting her keep her memory, she might come back or accidentally let it slip. Then the media might..come looking for answers! But if she stays then, Daniel, (you guessed it!) Would come looking for answers!'

"Well...?" Slenderman asks, expecting an answer.

'So many things about answers!! Ugh!' You think and huff.

"Well? Y/N?" Poppy asks. You look at her. You then go on a ramble. Of you guessed it. The whole problem of whatever happens someone will most likely come lookin for answers. And in one scenario they might find it- "Oh. Im so sorry that you think I would let it slip you guys are real" you send a slight glare twords her. You cross your arms.

"Dude I just explained everything that had JUST happened in my head. And youre being sassy right now?"


"Ugh. Look...how about, we let her go, let her keep her memories. And she can be like a look out. We have each others numbers and stuff. So like, she can text me who is comin in the forest"

"Hmmm...alright. We may try that. If she lets anything slip, we kill who she told, and erase her memory. If this ends up happening again, and she lets it slip again we kill them and her. Does that sound like a good deal child?"

"Yes sir! Come on Poppy. Ill take you home" you smiled. She smiled back.

You walked out with her talking.

You brought her home and hid when she knocked on the door. You watched as the door opened. Her mother behind it. Of course, the old mother move of "Oh my god where have you been!? Dont do that again!! Oh Im so glad you are safe! Youre grounded-" thing.

You smile. You were glad she never changed. You left, and went home.

EJ had followed so he could help you walk home as you were still a bit weak from the whole..slendersickness and passing out and stuff.

Poppy was such a good helper. Telling who she saw in the forest helped get more kills as well as helped the creepypastas be safe. She ended up setting up cameras and using your house as a base of operations. She also ended up selling stuff online, that she either made, or didnt want anymore, to get money.

You even let her sell anything in the house. Which she gladly sold anything old or something she could do to replace it and make it more her. Your old house even became a hang out for you, her, and some of the others.

Anyway, she even did small quick side jobs during the day for money.

You liked watching her through some of the day when you were bored or just wanted to do something away from the others.

Ok yeah. Creepy. I know, but you didnt care. And you told her, and honestly it was more of a "Im bored so Ima go stalk my best friend and make sure shes safe" thing then anything weird. Ya know?

Anyway, you were raiding old houses so you could give it to Poppy and she could sell at least something. You had a huge bookbag like thing that you held the stuff in.

You felt like a scavenger. Or a weird creature that likes these mostly useless (to you at least) objects. You hummed to yourself as you looked through the old abounded town just a few miles east of the mansion.

You found old toys, lots of human bones. And other things you would find in a place like that.

You collected whatever you wanted and lots of what you could. You listened, carefree, to your music. You then froze. You looked around and took your headphones off.

"Hello.?" You ask. EJ, and Toby pop out of two near by bushes.

"Hey!" They great. You jump back a bit. You sigh as you stop yourself from hurting one of them.

"Jesus guys.."

"Sorry Y/N. We were just making sure you were safe. And stayed safe"

"Well..if youre here. Can one of you go get three more bookbags. Mines almost full and there is so much stuff I could give to Poppy to sell so she can have money to keep my old, her new house!"

"Ill get the bags" EJ says first. Thinking that would give him more credit with you then Toby.

"Thanks. In my room, in my closet. Bottom shelf"

"Ok" he says and leaves. He didnt trust Toby. But knew that it wouldnt take long to get this stuff...

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now