17. The Texts

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After you met everyone they showed you to your room, and left you. Which was good as there was literally...they didn't give you much alone time that day until you had met everyone.

You sat in your room and sigh softly. You know that Tim and Brian were going to go and pack up your room and bring the bags back. You look at your phone and call your best friend.


You...had to tell her you weren't gonna see her much often...


But what should the excuse be?


She answered. As it was on Speaker you heard her speak,

"Hello?" she asks. Your mind spun, you didn't know what to say! "Hello? Y/N I know that's you your caller ID is on. Whats up?" You didn't answer. You weren't sure what to even tell her! You dont wanna be friends anymore? No...that's not it. "Y/N??" You loved being friends with her. You just didn't wanna tell her that you were in the Slender Mansion and that you were now...kinda like his proxy in a way? She would think you are crazy! "Y/N? Are you ok?"

"Uh-..Yeah. Listen Im..Im gonna be moving. So Im further away from my mom. And to try and...start a new life away from her, and my stalkers and stuff. Ya know? To be safer" You say, making up an excuse. Half of it was true...kinda. Yes you moved, yes you were further from your mom, but you were closer to your stalkers and you don't know how safe you actually were.

"Why don't you move in with me?"

"No offence...but do you really think I can survive your mom?"

"Ya know what..? I think you made the right choice actually. Will you ever visit?"

"Yeah...maybe, maybe I will come and visit" You say softly.

"Oh, also why did it take so long for you to answer? You called me"

"Oh..Yeah, the boys were just asking me stuff...they are helping me move" Again not a full lie. The boys were helping you move technically...you felt like shit for lying to your best friend! But..It was just for the best. She wasn't like you. You were a monster, and you were now a killer, while she was...Well she was just a normal girl. A normal human.

"Oh! Want me to help you four?"

"NO" You say quickly, and rather loudly. "Uh-..I mean no. Its ok. We are ok, we got it covered"

"oh..So are you gonna drop by and say bye in person?"

"Uh...you know what? Yeah. tomorrow I can drop by and stuff for a bit before I leave"

"Ok! Bye. See you tomorrow! OH! Before you go can we take one more trip to the Café?"

"Yeah. Yeah. OK. We can. Bye"

"See you!" She says happily and hangs up. You flop back onto your bed and sigh. Did...did she even care you were leaving her in a way? You might not see her anymore. Well...Then again, you will see her smiling face one more time! You were glad you could see her one last time before you leave the human perspective.

Then again you were kinda not surprised...at times you would be hungry but not wanna eat normal food, and you would zone out and chew on your own skin...were you a cannibal?! No! That's crazy! Its crazy to think that you wanted to eat someone or something other then human food. Its crazy to think about something like that.

You know it wasn't a 100% not possible but you didn't think it was a possible for you to want to eat human meat. You pick up your phone. You had heard before hand that if someones moms ate human meat when pregnant it is possible for the baby to become what people call wendigos, a human eating monster, also they are depicted as native spirits, or witches that dressed as big predators.

You shake your head. You open text messages, and open your conversation, the person your texting, your mom.


You: Hey. I need to talk to you.

Bitch: What? Are you finally gonna convert to being a Catholic Christian?!

You: No. and I never will. I just need to know about something that happened when you were pregnant with me.

Bitch: What do you mean?

You: I mean, specifically what you ate when you were pregnant with me. Like...specifically the type of meats

Bitch: uuh..You think I remember everything that I ate 18 to 19 years ago?

You: Please think. This is important.

Bitch: And how is this important??


You: Because what you ate could have turned me. |

You stop and didn't send yet. You cant tell her about this shit she would go to your old house, to try and pull you into like a mental asylum, then tell Poppy that you didnt live there and that there was two boys she didn't know takin shit from your house.


Bitch: And how is this important??

You: Because what you ate could have effected how I am currently.
[Seen just now]


You send it..



You: Wait. What?

Bitch: I ate everything I was suppose to when I was pregnant with you, And during that time period I didn't eat any meat, but one day, your father came home from work early and cooked me dinner.
It had..sometype of a pork like meat, but it was a..darker red then most porks. He just said it was hog or something from one of his friends. I trusted him and decided to eat it for some extra protean, and stuff, to try and make you healthy when you would pop out of me.
But When you were born you seemed to be this little horrid monster!

You: Gee thanks Mom

Bitch: Its not my fault!

You: Whatever
[Seen just now]


You roll your eyes and ignored her next string of text messages. You just sigh softly and flop on the bed.

Your father must have made her human, then when that was the only meat she eat it must have still counted. But because that's not all she ate you liked human food..Thats weird though. Why didn't she think that it was weird that pork, a white meat, was red? Man your mom was dumb..You sigh softly.

Later that night you finally look at the texts she sent, as you wanted to just see what she wanted after that whole conversation...

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