6. Your friend

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"You are going out to eat?" Tim asks. You nod

"Yeah now go" you hiss pointing at the door.

"What I think Tim meant was can we come to?" Brian asks.

"No. Maybe next time" you sigh.

"P-please?" Toby asks.

"No. Now go before I have to force you three" they sigh and all stand.

"We are stronger then you" Tim hisses.

"Uh-huh. Sure. Leave. Go" you hiss and shove them. They held their ground.

"No" Tim says crossing his arms.

"Yes" you say crossing your arms.






"Good you agree. Go" you point to the door and he sighs.

"Damn I thought that would work"

"Lots of people have tried that with me. Now leave" you hiss. They sigh. They leave and you sigh. You sit down and call one of your friends who finished school and got all of her school credits for the year so she left.

"Hey bitch whats up?" She asks. Through the phone.

"Hey bitch what you doin?" You ask smiling.

"Watchin TV. Whats your fine ass doing?" You chuckle.

"Well had a bad day so wanna go out together?"

"Ooo fuck yeah man. So you gonna tell me what happened on the phone or when you pick me up?"

"When I pick you up" you say and chuckle. You normally dont like phonecalls but when its her you feel comfortable because shes just always so awesome and chill. "Aight bitch be there in..10"

"Aight. Bye bitch"

"Bye bitch" you say and you both laugh before she hangs up. You throw on new clothes and spray yourself with perfume and your car as you know even the slight smell of a man will make you seem like you have a boyfriend and thats a whole thing. God she always jumps to conclusions on boys woth you.

You drive to her house and honk her mom comes in and smiles.

"Hon your little friend is here!~" she calls. She loved you. You were like her second daughter. Your best friend ran out of the house and straight to your car.

She had long curly black hair. A very nice sundress on with a crop-top jacket over it. She had her nice light pink light up shoes. And no make-up (yet). Her skin was a nice olive like color and was perfect.

Her name was Poppy.

"Bye ma!" She waves and gets in.

"Bye hon have fun!" She waves happily. Man you really dont deserve this family.

Ok now that your best friends mom is gone she immediately puts on makeup. Her mom doesnt like when she wears it cause it hides your naturally perfect skin and sometimes would clog her pores. She wears light makeup but makeup. She smiles and puts her long hair into a ponytail. You chuckle softly.

"So why did you spray so much perfume?" She asks sniffing the air.

"My car just..smelt a bit so" you shrug. Kinda a lie. It did smell weird.


"Dont know" you say while pulling away and out of the driveway.

"Are you sure miss 'I dont like people?'~" she smirks. Did she already figure out there was three guys in your car?

"What do you mean by that?"

"You only do this when it smells musky and manlike~" she smirks.

"Oh my god shut up. I will tell you everything when we get to the restaurant"

"And where is this restaurant?~"

"A new little Café that opened around the corner" you hum and start to turn down the Cafés street. "Really just around the corner" you chuckle. She gets excited. There is definitely tea to spill when you want to go to a café.

"Ooooh so there is a boy~"

"Also whats the fuckin point in me trying to cover up the smell of a few guys if youre just gonna know anyway?" You sigh softly.

"Because you think I wont notice~" she says as you pull into the small parking lot. You hop out and so does she.

"Anyway Pop" you sigh softly and open the door for her. "Bar or one of the little booths?" You ask seeing the places to sit.

It was a cute little café. A nice light pink tiles on the bar wall and a very nice white and black marble counter top. The tables matched and had black legs. The booth chairs were a very nice red and so were the cushions to the stools at the bar. There was a balcony with three small tables, each with only two matching chairs.

"Oooh my its so cute in here!" She giggles looking at the light flower print wall paper on the walls.

"Huh. Nice. Not my style but...I can see why people like the aesthetic" you hum and walk in after her.

"Yeah! Lets go to the booth so we can have some privacy" she giggles. Only three smaller groups of people were there. All slightly scattered three teenage girl at th booth closets to the balcony door. Four people, clearly on a nice doubled date near the bathrooms. And three others at a booth near the corner. You swear you have seen those three...holy shit its Toby Tim and Brian. You could tell by their jackets and Tobys movements.

"Who are those three?" She asked.

"No one lets just sit down" you say and lead her to the corner booth, next to theirs. "Alright so we can order then we will talk about what happened today. K?"

"Oh yay tea! We gonna talk about this guy you had in your car?~"

"Oh my god later"

"No bitch fuckin now. You finally got yourself a Dude or what?"

"No just some new kids a school"


"Three guys now-"

"Oh maybe I should come back to school~" she chuckles.

"No! Thats ok. These fuckin guys are creepy. You dont need to get involved with them" you talked loud enough for the three proxies to hear.

"Oh my god thats just cause you're a little baby bitch!" She laughs.

"Oh shut up" you chuckle. A waiter comes up to your table...

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