2. The New Kids

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Thats when the ringing started. You cover your ears and curl into a ball. It didnt work. It never works! You start to shake and you scream.

"AAA FUCK STOP IT!!" you hissed. Since you were a child there would be a static like nose that played through your ears whenever you felt not alone in a room. It only stopped when the lonely feeling was back. "PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" you hiss. It made your ears bleed as it got louder and louder.

Your eyes start to brim with tears. You tried to calm down and control yourself. You were in lots of pain and you hated it. You hate everything. Everything. Fuck!

Then it stopped. The sound of silence was louder then the static now. You felt alone again. You panted and hold your legs to your chest resting your head on your knees. You hate this shit.

You huff softly and sit there as a light ringing filled your ears. It wasnt because of the static. Its just something your ears do to make a sound when its silent. It just was annoying. You go and clean up the blood from your ears and go to your room. You lay in your bed for the rest of the day watching youtube under your covers.

You stay up until 2 before drifting to sleep. That time no sleep paralysis. Maybe it was cause of how late you fell asleep or something?? You didnt care.


You turn off your alarm like you did the day before and sit up. You go do your morning routine. You sigh and leave. You get to school around the same time and sit in the same place as you normally do. After everyone was in the class the teacher came in. She was..a pretty good teacher.

"Good morning and hello to my wonderful students!" She greats smiling.

'Eh. Wonderful? Not really. Good? Nope' you think to yourself.

"Today we have some new students! Isnt that awesome?" She asks smiling.

"Oh wonderful. More assholes to fuck with me" you say out load.

"Yeah. Good luck" laughs one of the dudes near you. You roll your eyes. The teacher couldnt hear you or him cause you were both in the very back. Then. They come in. Three of them.

All guys. They all had brown hair.

One wore a yellow jacket with a collar instead of a hood. Gray jeans. And boots. His skin was slightly pale.

The one to his left wore an orange hoodie. He had dark blue jeans. And boots as well. His skin was about the same.

Then the one to the right of the one in yellow had a very unique hoodie design. A navy blue hood part. The torso part was a brownish color. And his sleeves were different colored gray stripes. He would constantly twitch or jolt. He had a bandage on one of his cheeks. He was more of a gray color, as if he was sick.

"Everyone say hello to Toby Rodgers. Tim Wright. And Brian Thomas (thats Brians last name right?)"

Everyone greats them.

"Looks like we got a new freak!" A guy yelled out and spit a spit ball straight at Toby. He dodged and it hit the chalk board. The teacher gasps.

"Oh my goodness! I cant believe you just did that! I cant believe Im saying this but. Detention! If you cant be nice then you have no place in my classroom!" She spoke sternly. Some of the kids spoke softly as an 'oooo' like sound came from them. You laugh.

"Holy-" you laugh. "Serves you right for doing that infront of the teacher" you say. He glares at you and leaves.

"Ok. You three say something interesting about you then we can start with class!" The teacher smiles.

"I am Brian. Me and Tim like to record and use cameras" Tim nods.

"Im Tim and I am the one mainly being filmed"

"I-Im Toby. I have t-tor-tourettes. W-which is why Im stuttering and t-t-ticing" He says. You hum softly and keep an eye on them. They had an unsettling vibe. But not what the other kids gave off...it was differnet.

The three take the seats just infront of you. The one directly infront of you was Toby Rogers. You heard them talking.

"This is so dumb. Why cant we just take what we want to bring her to slenderman?" Brian asks.

"Be-because slendy s-said to be careful with the t-target. e cant just k-k-kid-kidnap someone" whispers Toby.

"I dont know we did it before" brain mumbles. You lean forward to them.

"Hey you three. Shut up please" you say. Toby jolted as all three look at you. They nod and Tim apologizes. They turn back and Tim whispers,

"Close one...ok lets talk later". The other two nod.

You have a bad feeling about this. Anyway it was gym now. You hated gym a lot. The teacher was ok and to many kids.

Then when Brian, Tim, and Toby walk in you were sure they were following you. You shrug it off. The gym teacher said that they were new kids and to go easy on them if they play. Which they didn't.

They stay near a wall as you read sitting on the bleachers. A ball was thrown and hit your face and bounced off your book. Getting it dirty and making your drop it.

You held your face and pick your book up. You make sure the page was clean and dusted it off before checking up on yourself. You just had a small bruise on your forehead.

"Hey freak, toss it!" Says one of them.

"Dude come on! Remember the last time she threw us the ball? It broke someones nose. You're more crazy then her" another laughs and wraps his arm around their shoulder. You start to growl softly and throw the ball so hard that when it hits the first one it makes him fall and grab onto the other person.

Ones nose was bleeding and both hit the head was so hard they passed out. The ball bounced and slowly rolled off to the side.

"Ugh! Stop hurting everyone bitch" a girl says. You sigh and start to step down the staircase of the bleachers that you sat on. "Ah! Stop stop! Dont need you to have a school body count!" You stop. Everyone watches. Waiting to see what would happen. No one is speaking and barley anyone is moving. Then a loud crack is heard and everyone looks at Toby.

He had just twitched. Some students start to laugh.

"Oh its just the new freak" says a dude. You hop off the bleachers making it creek. Everyone stares back at you. You walk calmly to the guy that just made the comment. He takes a step back.

"Listen. The new kid doesnt deserve your bs. So stop before I do have a school body count" you hiss.

"And why do you care?" He asks...

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now