33. The Tooth?

412 13 9

(❗Mentions once of another's

'A tooth?'

"What the fuck" You took out the tooth and wipe the blood clean. It was sharp and matched your own.

'Hey voice?'


'Does this tooth belong to any of us?'

'If it did it would belong to smile, or seed. Everyone else doesnt really have that sharp or large teeth'

'hm....smile leads others to suicide..right?'


'So it wouldnt have been him..'

'And seed doesnt really leave prey behind nor in a tree'


You hum softly and put the tooth into your jacket pocket before continuing to look around inside his wounds. You didnt find anything else that might help point you to a killer. You sigh and stand.

'Its a tooth. Most likely an animal tooth. Maybe a big jungle cat or something. It isnt that big of a deal'

'I suppose...but hes your friend?'

'Eh..not really. Mainly Poppys "boyfriend". But whatever. Just weird i guess..'

'Perhaps....we should go home now. I dont have a good feeling about us being so close to cops'

'Yeah. Same'

You hum slightly and head back to the mansion.

'Smile doesnt eat his victims right?'

'No. I dont believe so'


You go silent in your head. You pay close attention to your surroundings as you walk.

Once home you go inside and go to slenderman.

"Mr slenderman?"


"I know you dont care because it wasnt one of us on either end but. Poppys friend Daniel died. Somehow. And I was looking over his body and found this tooth" You say and put the tooth onto his desk. "Do you maybe know who or what it might belong to?"

"Seems to be an animals tooth. Do not worry about it. Make sure poppy is handling her friends death well and forget hes dead" Slenderman says taking the tooth and throwing it in his small trashcan.

"Wait but-"

"No buts. Now leave my office im busy"

"Uh...i..yes sir" You turn and leave his office with a sigh. You trot down the hallway and stop as the light scent of blood flows through the vents filling the air. "Ah. Someone has a fresh kill" you say to yourself and follow the scent trying to find the source.

You find the source to Eyeless jack who was eating a kidney in the kitchen.

'Ah that makes sense'

'Yeah...hm. Perhaps we could show him the tooth?'

'Ig he might not be much help'

You walk to Eyeless Jack.

"Hey EJ" He 'looks' at you and quickly finishes off the chunk of meat in his mouth.

"O-oh hey Y/N!" He greets and wipes his mouth off quickly of the blood. He didnt know why you would speak to him but he always loved having any of your attention or thoughts.

Then you pull out the tooth.

"Do you know whos tooth this is?"

"Oh um...Y/N I cant see.."

You face palm.

"Right. Eyeless..well you have sharp teeth can I look at them?"

"O-oh um...yeah?" He questions a bit and opens his mouth. You compare the tooth to his and sigh. It was much bigger then his teeth.

"Ugh. Well thanks anyway eyeless.."

"O-oh um did I help you?"

"Hm..a little bit"

"Oh good. So why did you have a tooth?"

"Oh well one of poppys friends died and I found this tooth in his body. I found him in a tree tho...do you maybe know who did it?"

"Hm....how big is the tooth?"

"Um...probably a bit smaller then my index but thicker cause its a sharp tooth. Kinda looks like an animals canine?"

"Hm...ok. Maybe its smiles or seed eaters?"

"I thought that. But. Neither throw their victims in a tree"

"Maybe grinny?"

"Grinny is to small to do that. And he doesnt do it either"

"Oh hm...maybe its not a tooth?"

"....what do you mean by that?"

"Maybe its a broken claw? Or even a broken knife tip?"

"Oh....i didnt think of that..maybe?"

"So...why do you care about his death??"

"Cause he knew poppy and shes sad about it"

"Ah...ok" he hums slightly. He was secretly glad it was just cause of poppy and not because you actually cared or liked the victim in that way.

"Well...this helped a bit. Thanks EJ"

"O-oh um youre welcome!"

You sighed gently and ruffled his already messy hair, before you turned and left. Eyeless jack lets out a gentle love sick sigh and he smiles as he heard the door close. He was so happy you started the conversation for the first time. He was also happy to even have a slither of your attention for even a few minutes.

You go to your room and sit on your bed. You put the 'tooth' down on your bed and hum slightly.

'Lets try poppy. Maybe she will know. She always knows the weirdest things'

You opened your phone and took a picture of it before sending it to poppy.

[You sent an attachment at 11:28 PM]

You: Hey pop-rocks do you know what kinda tooth, or maybe claw, this is??
[Delivered at 11:29 PM]

'And now we wait'

'Is she asleep??'


You play on your phone as you wait for poppy to respond to your text...

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now