4. The Breakdown

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You gently hum.

"I understand that though" you say. He looks at you.

"Y-you do?"

"Yeah. I think that that scar is also cool. Just looks nasty when you put something through it" you chuckle.

"Uh...t-thanks??" He questions. You laugh.

"Oh look! She finally found another freak!" The queen bitch says as they bring their attention to you. They stand and go over. Ah and the peace has been broken! You sigh. "Look girls I think its flirting!" She pushes your head down shoving you to the table.

"H-hey! D-dont touch her!" Toby hisses.

"Make me Ticcy" she hisses. He stands and you elbow two of the girls and turn shoving the queen bitch.

"Fuck off damn" you hiss.

"Ugh-! You're. Such...a bitch" hissed the queen bitch. You stand and kick her making her roll onto her back. You press your boot onto her chest and put pressure.

"Huh? What was that? I couldnt hear you over how much I could end you right fucking now. Because right now you're just gum under my fuckin shoe" you hissed. The little bit of sleep mixed with lack of energy and possible new friends made you have less patients then before.

"Uh-! S-stop!" She gasps for breath.

"And now look whos stuttering!" You laugh. Toby, Tim, and Brain all stand and look over. Others do too. Two jocks and the head of the football team come running in and rip you away from their girlfriends. They shove you twords Toby and make you stumble as he then catches you.

"Get away from them!" One hisses as Toby helps you to your feet. Everyone around makes a small 'ooo' sound and watch.

You grab your stuff and leave shoving past people.

"Y-you should be more c-careful who y-you bully...t-thoes things c-can catch up to y-yo-you" Toby says before him, Tim, And Brain leave and follow you.

You go into the bathroom and go into a stall and sit against a wall and crotch down. You try to collect yourself and hit the wall.

Your mind spun and you hit the wall. Static fills your ears and you cover your mouth and scream in your hands. All of a sudden it stops as you hear a banging. You felt sick.

"H-hey! A-are you in th-there??" Tobys voice called. You stand and go to a stall and throw up. It wasnt the single poptart you had that day but it was stomach acid and blood. Hearing the sound of you gagging and throwing up they look around and go in quickly. They go and knock on the stall door.

"Why are you throwing up?" Tim asks. You realize they were in the girls bathroom.

"Guys get out of the girls bathroom before-" you throw up again. "Before someone sees you" you cough. Static starts to ring again. This time the boys heard it to.

"Oh fuck-!" Toby hissed as all of them covered their ears.

That was the last thing you heard before the static was heard over everything making your ears bleed..you faint and hit the ground.

Almost 15 minutes later it stops and they are able to get you out of the stall by climbing over it then unlocking it. They leave quickly and leave the school. Even if they werent suppose to. They didnt care.

"So..where is this chicks house anyway?" Brain asks.

"Uh..wanna j-just-just bring her to slenderman?"

"No. It is not her time just yet. You must be patient and wait. Once her sanity is lost she will be ready" The loud voice booms. But only in the three proxies ears.

"Yes sir!" They say. They find your keys. Your truck. And found your address in your cupholder.

Toby held you to him and made sure you were always breathed. Tim drove. And Brain was looking for the house. Then he saw it. He points to it. And they pull into the drive way. They get out of the car with you and go to your door. It was locked. They fumble with your keys for a good minute before finding the right key and opening the door.

The house outside seemed old but sturdy. And there was no mailbox. Just a little basket outside for the mail. No insects or spiders were anywhere outside your house. When they got in they were surprised.

The air was cool and all lights were off. Tim turns the lights on and go inside. The outside may look old but the inside looked new. Very clean unripped wallpaper. A red couch that wasnt dirty or torn. The TV wasnt new but it also wasnt old. It was a good size and worked fine. There was a coffee table between the TV and couch. The kitchen seemed basic. A few dishes in the sink.

They laid you onto the couch. And took more of a look around. Your parents room went untouched so everything there was the same. Your room had the basics but also had a computer. Your extra room that was once your moms office (she moved out herself not wanting to talk to you about leaving) it was cleared out and it was full of broken items. You used that as an anger management room.

You woke up at around 6 pm ish. You sit up slowly in a light daze. You look around.

"Where...am i?" You ask softly and look around. "How did...how did I get here?" You ask to yourself.

"We brought you home" Tim said. You jolt and fall off the couch.

"ow..fuck..not fun fuck" you mumble and slowly stand up. You felt dizzy still. You got a get hit with your iron deficiency making your head spin. Even if you did get up slowly it didnt help. You look at the three boys. "I have multiple questions. And you three are gonna fuckin answer"

"And what if we dont?" Brain asks crossing his arms. You glare..

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