15. The Truth...?

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And..you felt like you kinda were. Yelling at them expecting answers that you shouldnt be asking them.

"U-uh-" Toby says softly as they all look at each other.

"Ok ok. We can explain" Tim sighs.

"Uh-" you gasp. You were actually slightly confused. You werent actually expecting them to answer you.

"You have been chosen since you were a child by Slenderman" Tim say. You choke on your own spit.

"What?" You ask.

"Slenderman wishes to have you as a proxy" Brian says simply.

"Oh-uh...I dont think...why?" You could barely speak. You didnt understand.

They explained everything. Slenderman being real. To normal people they were dead or unreal. But to people like you they were definitely real and you were one of them. Slenderman, Jeff the killer, All of 'em. They are seen as a myth to normals so they dont freak out and so they can hunt without people thinking its these frictional characters that every teenage girl either thought was quirky and cute to like them or had a genuine crush on one of them like Slender or Jeff.

Tims nickname, or killer name was Masky. Brians was Hoodie. And Tobys was Ticci Toby. And there was definitely more then just the few more popular 'creepypastas' that came to life at night and hunted unfortunate people.

You sat there dumbfounded. All...All of this was real? All of it? The weird 'IM not like other girls' starter pack of the creepypasta fandom pack was all real? So those two chicks tried to kill a bitch for someone who was real and not just some weird internet legend? (I know that the creepypasta fandom isn't real. And what those girls did were fucked up and should never have happened)

You look at them.

"You...three...you three are fucking insane!" You hiss and take a step back.

"No...well yes but not in the way you think. We are telling the truth. And if you want we can prove it right now. You just have to Stop taking those meds and listen to us for a minute" Tim says.

"no...NO. I am not going with you three psychopaths!" You hiss. They look at each other and nod. Toby stands. In a second Toby had you in his grasp and held you still. his head gripped your wrists tightly leaving bruises. "O-ow T-Toby that hurts" You say softly. He twitches which makes his grip tighten.

"I-I know j-just-just calm down" He says as you then glare at him.

"Calm down!? Do you three not hear your-fucking-selves?!?! You three are suppose to be dead! And you three aren't some proxies of a fiction character! You three need some serious mental help! Like right fuckin now!" You hiss.

"L-listen-en" Toby says gripping you tighter. "You nee-need to calm down. Y-you are in a stat-state called denial. Y-you need to real-realize this is rea-real"

"You three are just in-fucking-sane!" You hiss trying to struggle against the stronger proxy.

"Ok. Listen. We understand how this might feel. Just calm down and trust us" Tim says.

"...Fine. On two conditions"

"What are they?"

"One. When this isnt real, you three fuck. Off. Never talk to me OR poppy again"

"..fair enough. Second?"

"You tell me who my stalkers are"

"Its Toby and Jack" Brian said bluntly.

"..t-the Toby holding me right now Toby?" You look at him. He smiles nervously and nods. "Can I add a third?"


"Fuck" you hiss out. "Wait whos Jack?"

"Eyeless Jack. Another person you will meet"

"Suuuure" you became skeptical this Jack guy even existed.

They were leading you through the forest silently.

'God I hate being in the hands of one of my stalkers...but..not gonna lie it wasnt as alarming as I first thought-'

You shake your head.

'Excuse me what??? Of course its bad. I am basically at the mercy of an insane teenager who is stalking me! Get it together man!...is he even a teenager?!' You shake your head again. You look around. 'Is there a way for me to escape..?'

"Dont try to escape. You cant. Simple as that" Tim says as he steps over a fallen tree. You do the same with the help of Toby as you did have some restricted movements of how tightly he held you steady. You were gonna have bruises from all this..

You sigh. Near the mansion you had given up.

'These three would see they were wrong, and I was right. Then they will kill me for some dumb shit I didnt even do!' You sigh before freezing looking up at the very big mansion.

It was huge red and seemed fancy.

"Whoa.." You mumble.

'These are three teenagers..possible adults..how long did they have to take to fix up this old mansion?'

"Yup. Boss made it" Tim says. "He fixed this place up and made it a livable place"


"Slenderman" Brian says as Tim opens the door. You sigh. Damn back to that. You get slightly shoved in while Toby pushes you.

Once inside the strong scent of blood hits you. You actually..liked this scent. You smelt around a bit and suddenly get a bit hungry. You shake it off thinking you just hadnt eaten in a few hours so you didnt care.

It looked nice in there. You get pushed in and you freeze once again. Thats....whoa thats...thoes are the..real killers known around as 'creepypastas'.

What...the..fuck? So they boys arent crazy????...what the fuck?!...

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now