18. The News Report

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(❗Mentions r@pe during the phone call with poppy❗)


Bitch: I cant believe your father was the one to turn you into such a horrid monster! I knew I shouldnt have ate that meat!

Bitch: Y/N? You need to answer me! You cant just ignore your mother!

Bitch: Y/N if you dont respond right now Im going over to your house!


Reading that made you panic. She was what? All of her texts were about half an hour apart..but she was what?!?!


Bitch: Y/N if you dont respond right now Im going over to your house!

Bitch: Ugh! Fine! Ill just go over there right now!


'Oooooh shit! She would have seen Masky and Hoodie by now!!'

You kept scrolling through her messages..


Bitch: Oh my god! Answer me! Why arent you home?! Do you know there are two masked men in your house?!


'Oh shit mom no-'


Bitch: Y/N! They are robbing you I need to call the cops! I hope you are with your friend!!


'Wait..why does she suddenly care?'

Bitch: *Typing....

'Oh shit!'


Bitch: Hey Y/N. Its Tim. Your moms..well your mom is dead. Brian had to kill her. We got your stuff though. We also had to tell the police it was a misunderstanding. We are ok. They wont be on their way so dont worry about us.


You sigh a breath of relief. You wait for them to come back and then unpack your shit. You smile to yourself once you were unpacked.

You slept until the sun rose.

When you did wake up you weren't blinded by the sun shining through your window though. There was a light area of oranges and reds from the raising of the sun gently shining through your blinds. You never woke up this early with out sleep paralyses. You actually had a good night sleep. You go down and Slenderman was making some breakfast for everyone in the mansion. You smile.

But as soon as it appeared, it fell. How was everyone here a happier and less toxic family then your own? I mean. Everyone here is a serial killer. They are all probably rude to each other yeah. Everyone here was just stolen by a faceless man that eats children. And everyone here is happier then most actual blood families.

You then smile again. Everyone here has had a shitty family before Slenderman found them and gave them a better purpose. Now they are more or less happy. Or at least happier then what they were before. You were ok with that. You go up to him and sit on the counter he wasn't using.

"What cha makin Slendy?" You ask.

"I am just making breakfast child"

"Like specifically!"

"I am making eggs, bacon, waffles, and they can make their own toast"

"Oooo. Nice...I have a question"


"Lets say that Tim and Brian went to my house, and then my mom went over, saw them, and they killed her, What would you do? Like whats the rules about things like that? Also are there even any rules?"

"Yes there are rules to the mansion. And if it is necessary then it is fine if they killed her. I heard, they told me about it"

"Oh. Ok. What are the rules then?"

"Well, there is a curfew of. 2. There is no what we call 'normals' allowed unless they wont leave. And a few other things that the others have set for rules about themselves. Oh! No teaching Sally cuss words" he says.

"Ok" you nod and smile softly. You eat then everyone goes and watches TV. Of course at first its the news.

"And we are here with a new case. A young girl named Y/N L/N is missing. And her mother was found dead in her house. All of Y/Ns clothes seem to be missing and all of her food seemed to be thrown out and are in trash bags in her trash bin-" just then your phone rang.

You look at it. It was Poppy. You answer.

"Sup bitch?" You said with a low chuckle. She gasps.


"Yup. I already told you I moved. I dont know what happened to my mom but damn" you lied..half lied.

"OH THANK FUCK YOU ARE OK. I heard it and I was so fucking worried! I thought she came and tried to hurt you so you killed her and ran into the woods and was raped and killed-"

"Well you were wrong calm down"

"Bro you scared me-"

"I know calm down" you chuckle. "I promise Im fine, Don't worry"

"Ok. Im glad that you are ok. I gotta go. Don't tell the police?"

"Don't tell the police. Please"

"Ok. Well I actually have to go so. Bye bitch"

"Bye hoe" You chuckle as she hangs up.

You put your phone down and look at Tim and Brian.

"What?" He asks.

"You two are idiots sometimes. You cant just leave a body, A DEAD BODY at my house like that" You roll your eyes.

"Sorry! When we killed her we had just finished getting your stuff and we heard the door start to open!" Tim tried to explain. "Then..When we tried to see who it was we saw a cop car and we panicked and grabbed your stuff and ran"

"God" You sigh. "Ok I understand. Just be more careful next time" You sigh softly. They nod.

"I w-wouldn't hav-have done that" Toby says trying to one up Tim and Brian, and to get your attention away from them.

"Oh? Really?" Tim asks. Toby nods.

"Toby I think you are more sloppy with certain kills then us"

"W-well some-sometimes I cant hel-he-help it-t" He hissed softly.

"Ok ok ok boys calm down" You chuckle softly and sit on the couch. "Lets keep watching the news"

They nod softly...

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