32. Investigating

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The door opens to show Eyeless Jack AND Toby.

"uh.." You gulp softly and look out into the woods again.

'What are the chances it was a bear or something.?' You think to yourself before entering the mansion.

"Did you hunt?" Toby asks before he twitches and his hand hits himself twice before he whistles once.

"No..I just found one of Poppys friends dead and didnt want to anymore..?" You say.

"But you said you were hungry" EJ says.

"Ill just eat one of the bodies in the basement with Dr.Smiley or in the fridge. It doesnt matter" you say trying to reassure them you wont starve.

"Ar-are you sur-s-sure?" Toby asks.

"Yeah" you nod and smile softly at the two. Even though they were your stalkers and sometimes creeped you out they did care..which was nice when it didnt end up with them watching you sleep or following you on hunts..

"Oh hey boys?" You ask looking at EJ and Toby.

"Yes?" EJ asks looking at you.

"Did you...stalk me tonight?"

"What? No? Why?" EJ asks.

"Oh um...just wondering"

'Maybe it was just Zalgo...Im sure its fine' You hum to yourself.

'Perhaps..what are the chances it was Seed or..slenderman?'

'Probably just as high as if it was any of the others'

You shrug to yourself, you go downstairs to the basement where Dr.Smiley and Nurse Ann usually did their weird killing habits.

"Oh hello"

"Hungry" You state simply.

"Go hunt" Dr.Smily says.


They stare at you as you stare back. Silence fills the room for a good 5 minutes before he sighs.

"Pick up any already dissected body. Ok?" Dr.Smily says. You smile and nod grabbing one and pulling it up stairs.

Once up to your room you ate the body cleaning off the bones.

'He smelt good. Why didnt we eat him?' A voice in your head asks. It sounded like your own so you werent phased..



'He was Poppys friend...why would I eat him?'

'Because hes human'

'Poppy is human'

'Well yes but thats different..can we go investigate Daniels body?'

'The police probably have him'


You think for a second and stand.

"Ill just have to sneak him out if they do" you say out loud to yourself.

You leave the mansion and go to poppys house. You sneak in and sniff the air. You left his body here so maybe she still had it. You quietly search just to find nothing. You hum softly and sneak back out.

You get to the hospital and sneak into the morgue. Thankfully no one was around. You search each one by sniffing at the door just to find absolutely nothing on him. His scent was no where. You hum gently in confusion and sneak back out.

You trot back into the woods and found where his body once was to see many police officers around the blood puddle on the floor and the blood dripping from the tree. You stay hidden and listen.

"So how did he die?" You over hear one cop ask another.

"Dont know. The girl who reported it said it was her friend and she didnt know what else to do" explains the other cop.

"Hm. Well it looks like he was eaten" the first one adds.

"Maybe he was out for a few days or got tagged by a bear?"

"Hm. Yeah maybe. But what drags a human up into a tree? A Leopard?"

"There aint no fuckin Leopards here"

"Well yeah-"

"Look. It might have been a bear or a panther that got spooked and made its way up the tree no big deal"

"yeah. Yeah ya probably right"

"I am right" At that point you walk past them still hidden and sniff around for Daniels body.

Soon you find it but couldnt get to close due to the cops. You sniff near it slightly and try to pull it off into the buses but a cop almost sees you.

'This isnt gonna work'

'Hm...maybe we need to sit and watch first..wait for them to leave the body unintended..'

'Yeah' You nod to yourself and wait..

You watch as they touch the body and gently move the skin around it.

"It doesnt look like anythings really wrong with him. Hes half eaten.." A police officer says.

"Kinda reminds me of that mass killing a few months ago" another says.

'Right...my first killing...but i didnt do this??'

'Shh. I know they cant here us but sh focus'

'..us.?' You gently shake your head and keep watching the police investigate the body.

Roughly 5 minutes later they all leave the body for whatever reason that was unknown to you. You immediately grab the body and drag it off and away then pick him up and sprint off to a safe place so you can examine it alone.

You get to the old shed and drag the body inside before starting to examine it. It was dark so you blinked and everything once more turned green.

'Night vision is so helpful' You think as you examine the broken body that once belonged to an alive Daniel.

You sniff at him and groan annoyed.

'He smells like those police officers I cant even track the killer now. Dammit. Stupid police. Doing their stupid fuckin job' you think as you examine the body.

You look inside his wounds and move around his skin gently to just look through it.

You stop as you see something..

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now