31. Strange Sudden Death

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Its been a few weeks and you have gotten use to you being a monster. You actually were pretty ok with it. You still didnt quite understand it, however you did decide to still try and find out exactly what you are..

And Eyeless Jack and Toby could not help but to fall deeper in love with you and your new monster self. EJ was attracted to the new smell that alwasy lingered, death and blood. And Toby was attracted more to how violent you were when you killed.

Though you didnt fully understand it, you embraced it while rejecting Zalgo. Slenderman knew you wouldnt abandoned them because of you being loyal to the creepypastas, instead of the creatures that worked for Zalgo.

Anyway, you were out hunting alone today. You stalk around the forest looking for anything to kill and eat.

The night was cold, but clear. Nocturnal animals chirping, and making the normal noises.

An hour or so later, while you silently stalked around you felt like something was wrong..

You sniff the air and realized that something near you was dead.


You stop walking, and look around, and thats when you notice that everything was dead silent. Just the very light sound of your breathing.

When everything suddenly goes silent in the woods that means one of two things happened. A huge predator is near. Or something that isnt suppose to be there, is.

You then felt two drips of a thick liquid drop onto your head.

You look up and saw a human. Dead.

"Holy shit! How the fuck did that happen?" You exclaim. You climb up and break one of the branched the human was strung up on, and it falls, hitting the ground. You jump down and kneel next to it. You sniff it and try to identify if you knew who it was.

'Eat!' You open your mouth but stop.

You felt like you knew who it was but couldnt put your finger on who or where you knew this person.

'No eat'


You grab some big leaves from a bush and wrap the body in it, before grabbing vines and tieing the leaves around the body. You then drag it over to Poppys house and knocks at the back door.

She happily opens it.

"Hey!" She greats.

"Hey pop-"

"Holy shit!" She exclaims. "What..? How..?"

"Demon. Some Zalgo shit. Now I have a question"

"You gonna tell me about what happened later?"

"Yeah. Ill text you the whole story"

"Ok whats up?"

You unwrap the body.

"Do you know who this is..?"


"Can you take more then five seconds, and examine it?"

"I dont wanna touch that"

"Go get some gloves then"

"Cant...cant we just call the cops?"

"Really?" You look at her, a blank expression on your face. "You want to call the cops, when your serial killer friend found a body?"

"Well why does it matter-?"

"I think I know this dude. His scents familiar but I cant place my claw on it" she sighs.

"Ok ok ok ok" she hums and goes and get gloves. Once she comes in, she digs through and cleans up some blood and tried to find out who was killed.

"I dont think any of the others did it..because This thing smells fresh..and Im the only one that went out hunting tonight. And no one came out last night I dont think"

"Hmm" she then immediately looked uncomfortable, and took her hand away from the body "uh...Hey..Y/N?"


"Where did you find this?"

"In a tree over west of the town in the woods. Why?"

"Because this is Daniel. He..he went camping last night and didnt come back" she backs away from the body uncomfortable with it. And rubbing her arm. She was trying so hard to calm herself down.

"Oh..damn..who would kill Daniel?"

"Maybe Jeff did it? Or one of your friends? You coulda been sleeping"

"No..I swear..No one went out last night"

"I thought..you didnt like him..?"

"Eh. I dont really care for him...just weird.." You shrug. "Ill go talk to the others about it"

"Ok.." She waves slightly as she ties the body with the vines again and drags him off.

You huff and trot off.

Its not like you cared for this dude but it was..strange.? It was very strange. Maybe a wild animal tagged him or the rake. But it didnt look like any wild animal got him or something. He wouldnt have been found otherwise..

'Was he planted there for me to find.?' You think soft and shake your head. 'Doubtful'

Even though you doubted it as it didnt really hurt you it just..felt strange that he was up in a tree dead after a few nights of them no one to your knowledge coming out and killing..

Perhaps it was one of your stalkers that. Was. Still. Following. You.

You huffed and stopped just outside the mansion.

"Is it Toby or EJ today?" You ask turning and looking out into the woods.

no one...

'Strange I thought-'

Your thoughts were cut short as you turn as the mansion door opens and you see...

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now