27. Arson..?

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You and Toby wait.

"S-so...e-ever had a boyfriend?"

"Jesus Toby-"

"W-what?! Im just ma-makein-making small talk" you laugh.

"Joking Toby. Anyway...uh...no. I dont think so.? There was a few guys ask me out as a prank. But I never said yes"

"O-oh. L-like who?" Toby asks. His aura immediately getting darker. He was suspicious and started to get a bit protective of you.

"Just some assholes. There was one guy who actually liked me though. I didnt accept his offer to be my boyfriend though"

"W-why?" Toby looks at you. You shrugged.

"Didnt know him to well. Rather say no now then have him dating me for like a while then breaking it off because I just didnt feel the same. Plus he was a popular kid. I rather not...get into that" you shrug.

"O-oh. So if som-someone liked you, h-ow would you gr-grow-grow to like them b-back?"

"Toby, is there something you wanna tell me?"

"N-no" he says looking away. Him blushing under his mask/mouth guard and goggles. You laugh and punch his arm. Although he couldnt feel it. Hell with him looking away you could stab him and he wouldnt notice until later.

"Whatever dude. Anyway, dont know. Guess I would have to have a real strong connection with them..?"

"G-guess so..so how-"

"Back" EJs voice says as he emerges from the tree line.

"Good job EJ!" You grab one form him and he gives one to Toby. You all collect cool things.

Toby or EJ would try to start up a conversation before the other would jealously tell you they think they found something, bringing your attention away from the other.

After like another one or two hours you all got basically everything cool and left.

"That was so quick! Man if I was alone I would have been out here for 5 or 6 hours! Going back and forth too. Thanks boys!" You smile.

"No problem" EJ says, smirking behind his mask.

"Y-yeah. Always here to h-hel-p you and-and shit" Toby says

"Alright-" You got cut off by Toby.

"N-no I mean shit! I-i think I forgot something"


"Thats what I-Im saying-!"

"Ok Toby calm down-"

"C-calm down?!"

"Is it that important-?"

"My hat-hatchet-"

"Wait wait wait" EJ interrupts. "You are freaking out over an axe-"

"Hatchet" Toby hissed.

"Whatever-..Point is we have plenty weapons at home"

"T-that was the one tha-that I used t-to kill my d-ad. I-its basically my trophy"

"How could you tell the difference?" EJ asks.

"Oh EJ!" You laugh. "You ALWAYS remember your first kill! And weapon!" You smile, your mask hung from your neck loosely, instead of on your face.


"Yeah! I still remember my first kill! It was some asshole older kid from when I was 13!"

"Wait what-?" Both asked surprised.

"Kidding!" You laugh. "I remember the screams of my first kills after I ended up with you guys. Dont you remember Toby? You were there with me!"

"W-wait the revenge thing-"

"My first kills!" You smile sweetly. This made both of them blush from under their masks.

Anyway, you all go to Poppys house and knock. The windows blinds next to the door open very slightly. Then the door swings open.

"Y/N!!!" Poppy exclaims and hugs you. You laugh and hug her back. She grabs your shoulders and smiles. "What did you get me today?~" She asks. She loves the things you give her. And a lot of them were very useful for selling and making money.

"Lots of stuff. Can we come in?"

"Yeah!" She lets you guys in. She locks the door behind her and follows you three into the living room. You show her everything. She takes what she wants to sell, puts it into a pile near her desk. Then takes quite a few objects that look cool to her but were probably not worth much. Then, all the bones and stuff she started to sanitize and whiten them (fun fact. If you wanna keep bones. DONT bleach them. Yes it may help whiten them but it also breaks down bone and makes it thin and very fragile. Use hydrogen peroxide, it kills bacteria and also whitens them like that without harming the bones or making them super fragile).

You collect what she didnt want and put them into the extra room that you put incase it suddenly became useful to her. You call it her "horde". Anyway, you then leave with Toby and EJ.

Once home you go inside with the boys and stop.

"Whats up boys?" you ask looking at them.

"Yeah, its just she has a lot of stuff"

"Oh yeah! Everything I gave her, so she can sell and make money from it any way she can. She also breaks down certain things for materials she can sell to make even more money. isn't that cool?"

"y-yeah" Toby says softly. Its a bit weird but he wont say anything about it. Why? Because he doesn't want to discourage you from doing things like this, nor for asking him for help doing things like this.

Anyway after that, you talk to poppy for a while and after that you and the boys leave.

You three walk around and kinda just talk. It has been a while since you three all just hung out, No mission or anything, Just out on your own free will. After a while you all go back to the old town, and you look around.

"Hey boys, wanna commit arson?" You smirk, taking out some gasoline.

"But the forest..?" EJ saying, looking around.

"If you look closer, non of the houses actually have anything touching anything like a tree or a bush. and just big enough circle around the entire town is this dirt road thing that wont actually spread the fire to the forest" You smile. "And even if it wasn't, its gonna rain in a few hours, So it would put it out before it even reaches to much of the forest, plus its gonna be a heavy rain storm"

"Ho-how wou-would you kn-know that?" Toby asks. You shrug.

"I...I kinda just know these things about the weather" You nod softly. "Anyway, Want to set shit a blaze with me or not?"

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now