12. Gradation and Prom

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Its been about a week. It was graduation tomorrow then prom!

Man how you wished Poppy wouldnt make you go. She didnt force you to walk up and down the aisle just to come and watch her. But you were gonna. Your mom was there and you wanted to see if she would be fake or not.

They called your name and you walked up and got it. Everyone clapped. You saw your mother in the front row twords the side as you walk out on.

"Do you have a speech kid?" She asks. You nod.

"Just a quick one" you lean into the microphone. "Fuck you mom" you say simply. The kids in the back laugh and even the teens in the crowd laughed. You left and once you were close enough you flipped her off while walking by.

When everyone was taking pictures you watched as Poppys mom was happily taking photos of Poppy.

"Oh hon come here!" She calls for you. And you were about to before the boys pop up, Toby throwing his arm around you and Tim fucking up your hair.

"C-co-con-congrats!" Toby smiled.

"Oh thanks Toby. But Poppys mom-"

"You can all come here!" She smiles. You all do. "Ok I want a photo of just you Y/N. Then of you and my little Poppy. Then I can get all of you. Also I didnt see you boys on-"

"We grabbed our diplomas from the office. We didnt wanna walk" Tim says cutting her off. She nods.

She takes her photos. Where all 5 of you were in Tim and Brian crouched down as Toby had his arm around Poppys and your necks smiling hugely. She takes her picture.

"Ok ok ok. Make one with silly faces!" Her mom giggles. She was about to take the photo before your mom yanked you.

"Stop being a slut around these boys! You are going to come home and become a Catholic Christian whether you want to or not!" She hissed.

"I said fuck you and meant it!" You hissed yanking yourself away from her. "I fuckin hate you and just wish you would fuck off! Stop trying to fuckin change me you whore!" You hissed at her. She gasps. "Get out of my fuckin life!" You hiss. She glares and tries to grab you. You slap her hand away. Then, Poppys mom gently grabs you pulling you back.

"I think you should leave Delilah" she says. Your mom tries to fight with her but gets pushed to her car by poppys mom. She enters and drives angrily.

You were talking to Toby and Tim as Brian and Poppy watched. Your mom tried to FUCKING RUN YOU OVER. Toby yanked you out of the way as she aggressively drove past. You are so glad you blocked her on everything and got a new phone number. Everything and anything to keep that crazy bitch from interacting with you.

You looked up as you were held to Tobys chest. Tim, Brian, Poppy and her mom come over.

"Are you alright hon?" Poppys mom asks.

"Uh-..yeah..thanks Toby" you look up at his slightly blushing face. He was staring down at you. "You can...you can um let me go now" you say as his grip tightens a bit. Then he does. You lean back a bit and look at everyone around. They ignored everything.

"Momma can drive you boys home-" Poppy says before Tim cuts her off.

"No we are good We will go home with Y/N. Then we can walk the rest of the way"

"Are you sure hon?" Poppys mom asks.

"Yup" Tim nods.

And so. All four of you got into your truck. Because it only holds three people, you calmly sat in Tobys lap with your feet on Brian and Tims as Tim drove. You made sure all of them were comfy before Tim left. And they were fine.

Once home Toby picks you up and puts you on Brians lap and climbs out before helping you out. Tim and Brian leaving from the other side. You chuckle as you were helped by Toby.

You all hung out and talked for the next few hours. You ordered pizza. You shared yours with Toby as Tim and Brian had their own.

After a while they left.

You slept. The next day you were awoken at 10 by Poppy flopping ontop of you.

"Holy-!" You hiss. "Bro its fuckin 10! Why is it sooo early!?"

"Its not that early!"

"To me it is! My sleep paralysis has gotten worse! Its started to touch me and shit and it started to leave actual bruises! It hurts and I hate it!"

"Wait...are you sure its sleep paralysis.?"

"No..but whatever. It helps me actually sleep so thats what I call it" You sigh and sit up. You look and see the three proxies. "Man you really are gonna make us go to the prom huh?"

"Yup!~" she chuckles and yanks you up.

The first two hours were everyone trying on dresses or suits.

The boys all wore the black and white ones. Poppy wore a very pretty short pink dress that was frilled and a bit puffy, making her look like a cute little princess. You on the other hand refused to wear a dress. She made you, so you wore a black one, black boots, and black knee high socks. The dress was basically Poppys just a bit longer and black. But it only had straps unlike poppys who had a cute off the shoulder thing with long sleeves. She wore high heels. (To everyone who rather wear a suit, sure youre in a suit now just pretend it doesnt say dress/replace it with suit when youre reading 👍)

After that Poppys mom (and you) paied for everything. You all got to your house and you were immediately yanked into a bathroom as Poppy and her mom put light make up on your face.

Lipstick, foundation, Eyeliner, Mascara and thats it. Poppys mom did the same for Poppy but put a bit of highlighter and bronzer. And a bit of blush. Yes she normally didnt like her in makeup but its prom so.

You signed softly. You hated this...

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