A/N ((short)meme but important note after)

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Me: *explains in the description there might be spelling (and grammar) mistakes*

50% of people in my comments: yOu SpElLeD iT wRoNg

Listen, I understand if it annoys people, but people have most likely already corrected it. And sometimes I dont have the time to go over every single chapter re reading it carefully and fixing it and then rereading it once or twice more.

And it discourages me to see,
"You spelled this wrong"
"Its actually spelled ____*"
....*" (Which has happened before on another book I wrote covering the ENTIRE chapter (when I was much younger))
And when I didnt feel motivated to write, it also means not fixing any errors. Especially when its nitpicking the same error in the same paragraph.

Please I understand if its annoying or hard to read but please. I say "sorry for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes" in the description of every book I have written.

Im not saying dont write comments. I love the funny ones and the jokes people crack. Its just those specific ones. Im not trying to be a professional writer Im just doing it for fun. So a few spelling mistakes every chapter or so doesnt bother me to much when reading in general (mine or others) I just laugh and say "oop" to myself. (Ik not everyone is this way but still)

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