9. Defending Toby

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The next few days you didnt try to avoid the boys but you avoided talking about their first day and what happened before at the Café. They didnt ask when you made it obvious you didnt wanna talk about it.

Although you couldnt get that..'vision' -more like a nightmare in a daydream- out of your head. Your mind always raced with thoughts while you thought about what had happened in said 'vision'.

You didnt wanna worry, or set off the boys, nor did you want to worry your best friend so you always tried to stay calm near the boys. And soon you felt comfortable with them sitting right next to you. You now shrug off the vision thinking it was just a worse case scenario that played in your head whenever you meet a new person. Yes it is happened.

You smile softly as they did end up in all of your classes, sitting near you, and spending lunch with you. You no longer felt on edge near them and was ok with being a complete dork.

Right now you were at Gym with them. You talked to them while on the bleachers. Then. A ball came hurdling towards Tims face. You notice and kinda Shove Tim to the side as it barely misses his and your head.

"holy shit that was perfect" you mumble and grab the ball. "Now. How about yall stop throwing shit at us!" You yeet the ball hitting the exact person who threw it. It hit him hard and made him fall as it his his chest and literally knocked his breath out. You chuckle. Your friends laugh.

"N-nice" Toby smiles.

"Ugh stop being a suck up to her you (insert r slur because I dont even feel comfy typing it)" sighs one of the bitches. You freeze and look at her.

"Excuse me bitch?" You hiss.


"St-stop-" Toby tries to grab your hand but you were already out of arms reach as you go straight up to the girl.

"The FUCK you just call him?" You hiss. She slowly repeats the word lacing every sound with a taunting tone. You grab her by the shirt. "Say. That. Fucking. Word. One. More. Fuckin. Time. See. What. Happens. Bitch" you hiss. Every word being filled with more and more poison. She says the word again before you shove her to the ground and started kicking her face and neck. You made her pretty little face bleed before you kicked her stomach once before Tim and Brian yank you back.

"Ok ok calm down" Tim sighs. You dont struggle against them. You couldnt for some reason. You tried. But couldnt. You huff out and glare at the girl as three guys and some of her friends run over snd check on her. The gym teacher jogs over and gives you detention.

"Whatever" you hiss. The boys take you back to the bleachers and sit with you.

"Wh-why did you d-do that?" Toby asks softly.

"They called you..the r slur Toby!"

"slur..?" He mumbles softly. You explain what it means. "L-listen I dont c-car-care! Its not worth g-going to detention-"

"Yes it is Toby. I dont like them picking on you. Or Brian. Or Tim" you say with a gentle smile. Toby blushes and gently grabs your hand. He starts to squeeze it more as his twitches and tries to talk.

"T-than-thank-k-k yo-you-you" he twitches more frequently as he gets flustered by how much you care. The more he twitches the rougher his grip becomes. It started to get painful.

"o-ow...t-toby that starting to hurt" you say softly. He lets your hand go.

"S-so-sorry" he apologizes.

"its ok..Just be a bit more careful next time? It felt like you were gonna break a bone.."

And he could have. If you didnt stop him he would have started to crush the bones in your hands. Him and the other three were very strong and sometimes Toby couldnt control his own strength when twitching.

"Y-yeah. I-I-I sometimes dont know m-my-my own strength"

"t-t-t-today please" Tim mumbles. In a second you had slapped his arm hard. He rubbed where you hit.

"I heard that. I can hurt and make fun of yall and vise versa. But dont make fun of someone for something they cant control" you hiss out to Tim. He was surprised by your sudden outburst at him for what he mumbled. He didnt even know you could hear him.

Toby felt flustered more. He was blushing and felt weirder. You talked and defended him with no fear at all. And did the same with the other two but ignored the feeling that gave him.

You sat next to Toby again and pulled out a book and start to read. His heart spead up and so did his ticks. He leans twords you and looks at the book and tries to read it but cant focus as he hears your heartbeat.

Your heartbeat sounded normal. Just soft,


It was something new to Toby. When he heard someones heart beat it was usually much faster. Their adrenaline pumping and running.

You look at him.

"Space please Toby" You look at him. He backs up a bit scooting away. "Thanks dude" you say softly and read again.

The rest of the school was normal. You got along more with the Proxies and the assholes kept bullying.

Detention time...yay...

A New Life? (Yandere!Toby x Oc!Reader x Yandere!Eyeless jack)Where stories live. Discover now