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Kayleigh pushed the limits of her malnourished and beaten legs, running fast and hard through the woods. Her surroundings kept blurring as black dots danced about her sight. No. She had to fight to keep conscious, if she passed out now she was as good as dead. Just like her mother just minutes before the escape. Her last words bounced around painfully in her head.

"Run and don't look back!"

The only bad part was watching the man smash her face in and killing her.

At least she died quickly. My wolf weakly consulted me.

She was weak too, trying to give some of what strength she had left to help me get further to safety. I had a feeling it wasn't going to work or at least be easy. Sadly I was right. I made it to a vast clearing and attempted to push harder with no trees to avoid but the distance was lost before I even realized it.

Suddenly I went face first into the ground with a weight holding him in place. Just as quickly I was pulled up and backwards by my hair, the strands snapping and ripping out of my skull brought water to my eyes but I held them back. I wrapped my hands around my hair to keep it from ripping and gaining very little control. I twisted myself to attempt a kick only to receive a chuckle.

"Nice try weakling," his disgusting voice playfully said, "you'll regret this run away attempt."

He pulled roughly so I lost my balance and was being dragged through the dirt and roots. An alluring scent hit my senses like a brick wall. I didn't realize when I closed my eyes but I snapped them open in time to see a large figure approaching quickly. Almost abnormally quickly even for a wolf.


My eyes became saucers. Mate? He was here? My wolf, despite how exhausted she was, bounced around in my couscous ecstatic we found our mate. Within seconds he was on us and quickly got a hold of the man dragging me. The grip on my hair was released and I slammed into the ground. If my head wasn't spinning before it sure did now. I closed my eyes reflexively then opened them slowly. I watched as my huge mate dragged him yards away and pretty much beat him. He didn't really give any chance of the attacker being able to defend himself as he punched over and over. The sounds of bones cracking and blood splattering through the air was almost terrifying. The difference in strength was obvious and he had to at least be an alpha by birth. Blood pooled beneath them as he quickly dealt with my attacker. Within minutes he became still beneath him. Once he knew the man was no longer a threat he turned and rushed to me.

I flinched, startled by how fast he approached me. I reflexively tried to drag myself away, only to make about a foot before my head began spinning again. Nausea hit me like a brick wall and within seconds I was barfing. More like dry heave considering I haven't eaten very much for days. His voice boomed above me and I tensed, trying to hold back from another heave. I realized though we weren't alone and he was barking orders at them. Most of the small group ran towards the direction the attacker and I came from, probably to see if there were more following us. Only a couple stayed behind, one kept a look out while another bent down to look at me. The man must have been a doctor since the worry on his face was obvious. I looked like shit and I knew I did.

"Do you think she will be alright?" My mate voiced his worry.

The sound of his voice was soothing, almost calming if you didn't know the fact that he beat a man to death just moments ago. The man held back a smile with a funny look as he tried to touch me. I flinched. Using what little strength I had I scurried backwards. My back hit my mate's arm but kept going till I was plastered to his abdomen. He was crouched down on one knee behind me. As scared as I was of not knowing who my mate was I had the feeling he wasn't like my sister's mate. That fucking man-whore tyrant could rot in hell for everything he's done to our pack. My breathing became labored as I focused on getting it steady. I wrapped my hands around his arm to ground myself as everything began to spin again.

"Easy... I won't hurt you, I just want to examine your condition."

The man spoke, holding his open hands in front of him, trying to show he was harmless. A weak growl rumbled in my throat as I worked to keep myself conscious. I knew I wasn't going to stay awake long but I wanted to show them I wouldn't come easily. My grip on his arm tightened as another wave of nausea hit. The look on the doctor's face when he looked up to my mates would have made me smirk if I was feeling better. I pressed my face against his arm above my hands. Everything spinned even worse now. I can't fight it anymore.

"Please let us help you."

His words blurred in my head. If there were any chances of saving my sister or the rest of my pack I had to give myself up to them and trust they would actually help me.

"Miss please."

My mate was with them so there was a higher chance of them helping me. My vision began to leave me and I knew this was it.

"Please help...." I managed to get out before my body gave up on me.

Panic filled me. What if my body was too far gone to be able to recover?

Don't worry our mate will help us.

My mind went into a fog as I felt strong arms wrap around my shoulders.


Conversations muddled together as my senses slowly shut down.

", cal....dow...."

My mate's scent surrounded me, calming me. I felt safe, safer than I had in the past year. I felt relaxed and for the first time so exhausted that I could probably fall asleep and not be scared to sleep. My left eye was wedged open as a light flashed back and forth, closed and then repeated with my right eye. Words mumbled hurriedly between the spaces on either side of me. I felt my body flop to the directions they pulled it to examine me. The last thing I remember feeling was my mate's lips on my forehead. Whispering something as I finally gave in to the darkness. 

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