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Kaleb worked through another document and set it aside on the table beside him. It was nearing two weeks since Kayleigh went into the coma. The doctors said her vitals were good and the only worry was with a fever that would go higher than the highest recorded temperature. Someone with that high of a temperature usually ends up dead. They were using everything to keep her cooled down enough to not cause any internal damage. After a day of contorting from pain and slight shifting she grew still. None of us were sure if that was a good sign or bad sign. He was growing restless as the time passed. It only grew worse when he left her room to work in the office. His aides were victims of his outbursts. They knew he was stressed; he was new to this emotion. They gave him space and took turns sitting at her bedside. It helped ease some of the worry, but he was still restless.

Amy, how is everything?

I started putting away paperwork and gathering my laptop into the bag on my desk. I needed to go see her again. The anxiety of being away was getting to be too much.

No changes Alpha.

Alright, I am packing my things up and will be heading to the hospital here soon. Once I get there you can get some rest before joining the other two with researching for more information.

Okay. Have you by any chance checked with the other three to see if they have found mates yet?

No, I have not. I am still trying to figure out how to word it, so I don't give away Kayleigh.

Yeah, true.

I explained to them earlier about suspecting one of the immortal Alphas causing the destruction or a few generations of mortal ones. They agreed it seemed more likely that it was one of the other immortals. So, we had to be careful about what we said around them till we knew which one. It was like walking on ice but he needed to call Notah before long with the latest updates. He was like me on making sure things were done and correct. Out of the other three he was least likely to be the one causing the massacres. I could probably question him discretely and decided from the responses. That will have to be done another day, right now he needed to get to the hospital to see Kayleigh and try to settle his nerves.

I was hoping for her to wake but the last time he checked in with the doctors there was not any change to her condition. I could see they were nervous as well. They never dealt with this and did not know how to handle it. I gave them the details of when I went through it to give them a direction. After about half a dozen doctors with varying degrees sat down to discuss it was a few hours later. They still were not confident with their choices. They told me everything they could try but it would just make her comfortable during the change. They wanted to get my approval for everything they did also. Which I could understand why. I snapped on one earlier over something stupid. Once I got calmed down, I apologized to them which also seemed to have confused the poor woman. If I was this irritable with my mate, I can only imagine what the other three would be like with theirs. This was going to be a long adjustment for all of us. I only hoped that when they found their mates there would not be any problems.

I walked into the hospital room. Amy looked up from her phone. She nodded before standing up and coming over to the doorway. She paused next to me before giving me a serious face.

"She has been twitching a lot in her sleep, especially her face." She said, "I don't know if that would mean anything to you, but I figured I would mention it."

I mulled over the news briefly. It could be a sign that she will be waking soon, or it may not.

"I am not sure if it really means anything but thank you." I told her.

"I hope she wakes soon."

Amy turned toward her sleeping figure. A look of sadness came across her face briefly. I could tell all three were missing her since entering the coma. It has been months since they met but if anyone from the outside looked at them, they would think they have been friends since childhood. They would work together. They would tease each other. They would point out something wrong and accept criticism pointed out to them.

"I kind of got used to her being around already and now it feels weird without her."

She turned back to me with a large smirk.

"Especially the mental torment to Daniel. I think he's feeling lonely."

She laughed. Of course. Those two instantly teamed up to harass Daniel whenever the time arose. There were a few that he gave them the opportunity without thinking. The regret once he realized what he did made me laugh on the inside.

"Go eat something and rest before going back to the house." I ordered her.

Sometimes she would skip eating or sleeping and just keep working till it would affect her physically. The boys would do it as well but succumb to their tired minds. She would do this more often than those two would combine. She sighed knowing exactly the intentions.


"I mean a meal, not snacks. The same goes for the other two."

"Meal delivery for three and a nap for one. Understood boss."

She spoke half serious half joking as she turned to me with a smirk. I sighed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she will wake up anytime now."

She waved goodbye and walked out into the hallway. I looked over at Kayleigh. Her expression was no longer pained. The corner of her mouth began to twitch. Her eyebrows bounced up and down. It was almost like there was someone tickling her face while asleep. I noticed her face started to really move around. What in the world could be happening in her mind? 

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