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Kayleigh felt exhausted. All of that pain and memories pushed her into a panic of fear and anxiety that took so long to just get calmed down enough to catch her breath. The shaking took a little bit longer to stop but thanks to her mate it did not last as long as it probably would have without him. All of the emotions were drowning her but they did not win, not this time. She knew now what she had to do and that was to work at getting stronger. When she would face that man again she wanted to be stronger so she could have a chance of defeating him. It was not going to be easy, but she remembered everything her sister did to become strong. Amaryllis learned every type of fighting style or single move and mashed them into a sort of style of her own, even taking some dance moves and mixing them in at places. She could pummel our strongest adult almost with ease after they started to take her seriously.

I squeezed Kaleb's hand in mine looking up at his back. He has lived many decades at least if not centuries. I would imagine he knew a thing or two about fighting or who he would recommend for learning how to fight.

I realized we had stopped walking. My body started feeling warm like I was starting a fever. He stared down at me with a funny look at his face. I tilted my head confused as the feeling in my body grew intense. What was happening? My face felt flushed and legs slightly felt like jelly. I wobbled, leaning into him for balance as my head began to haze.

"Kaleb...." I rasped out.

I sounded weird. I looked to him getting nervous when it hit me. His eyes flashed between his almond color and his wolf's mud-colored eyes. He was fighting control. His lower lip pinched between his teeth as his breathing staggered. His hand held a sturdy grip on me. It kept me balanced but also held in place so if I really wanted to escape it was not going to happen. I realized he was mind-linking someone briefly before putting his focus back on me. I could see the internal battle on his face.

I must be going into heat. I never thought it would actually affect him since he was an immortal. His breathing slowed, controlled, as he fought his wolf inside him. I have heard about the struggle males had holding back when their mate would go into heat, not only that but it got rough for the female after a while of being in heat too. I was nervous. I never made it far with guys thanks to my father. Later I did find out they just wanted the title of 'dating the alphas daughter' which really pissed me off enough to stop dating altogether. I later learned my sister even ended up beating the crap out of a few of the ones who tried to make me date them after I would reject them. I was proud to know she was the one to have my back. At this time though I felt like a newbie, a nervous deer in the head lights.

After a few minutes Kaleb placed me down on the ground beside him, pulling me against him. He buried his face into the crook of my neck inhaling my scent as I began drowning myself in the scent coming from his hair. I could feel my head go into a haze more as the urge of wanting him became stronger. I wrapped a leg around the back of his knee. His body stiffened, a little startled. I brought my hand to my face and lightly bit down on my knuckle trying to contain myself while my other hand tightened on his jacket around me. My body felt like it was burning up but I wanted him. I wanted him in so many ways but it scared me.

Pain shot through my hand. I pulled it away to see I was bleeding. Kaleb also pulled away to see what hurt me and looked to my face. Something seemed to have clicked for him as his thumb moved against my lips, separating them to touch my teeth. I nibbled at his thumb and tightened my leg around him. A low growl escaped me. I gasped. Where did that come from? I heard him chuckle before leaning into the right side of my neck and sucking at it. A moan escaped me, satisfied with the pleasure it gave me. My hand slid along the side of his head to slide into his hair. My mouth began to feel swollen with the urge to bite growing with it. I gave a whimper before he nipped at my neck. He slid his forearm to above my head and leaned against it.

"Kayleigh," he whispered. "You are feeling the urge to bite correct?"

Bite... I stared at him. Bite, the urge to bite while in heat means marking someone's mate. I pinched my lips together. I wanted to claim him as mine but was it okay for me to mark him? With him being one of the immortals? I heard him chuckle again and give my cheek a kiss this time. Our eyes locked on each other, staring deep into the others eyes. We lean in closer till our noses almost touched. I could tell the feeling of want was mutual. I gnawed on my lip. His eyes instantly snapped down to it. He grinned and a canine fang popped out. His were becoming larger as well. The brief thought of him marking me gave me chills. The excitement from the thought of him leaving his mark intensified the urge to mark him. I leaned back against the ground. His eyes stayed glued to my face, trying to read me. The various emotions danced on his face, excitement, desire, worry.

"Do you want to continue?" He finally asked. "I will warn you.... If we continue I do not know if I would be able to stop..."

I stared deep into his eyes. That was the worry. He knew this could be something I may not want with everything that happened to me. I know with everything that happened to my sister with her mate. This was different. He was different. He was the complete opposite. Kaleb was patient, caring, and unknowingly showed his affection in his actions. I wasn't sure but I knew I was ready to be marked. I lifted my leg from his knee up to his waist. His breath hitched as I pulled my body closer against his and slid my hand up to his cheek. I brought my face to his neck pressing against him before slightly pulling away to give a quick lick. I held onto him tightly as I sunk my canines into his neck. I felt him wince underneath me then relax. The moan came out him this time. His hand moved to my side with a secure grip pulling me closer. Satisfied I pulled my canines out and gave another lick to my bite, cleaning and sealing it. I could feel the bond strengthen between us. I marked him. He was mine.

He pulled his hand from my side and slid it up to cup my face. His eyes flickered between mine before locking lips. I moaned as he went passionately deeper into the kiss. I instantly wrapped my arms around his shoulders, trying to get as tight against him as possible. After a few minutes our lips parted. I briefly whimpered. He started kissing and nipping my cheeks then work his way to my jaw line and then neck before stopping at my collarbone. It was his turn to press his face into my neck, taking in my scent. I moved my head more to the side, giving him better access to my neck. He pulled away slightly. I caught his eyes staring up at me as if to ask one final time for permission. I ran my hand against his face and squeezed my leg tighter around him. If I didn't feel it earlier I could definitely tell now how much of an effect this was to him. He was fully aroused now. He pushed his face against my neck one last moment before giving a lick. I felt a few hot breaths against my skin before I felt his fangs pierce my skin.

Sharp pain hit briefly before the pleasure. My arm stretched down his back and my nails dug into his skin. His body adjusted slightly before his grip on my body tightened. A growl of pleasure escaped me. The second he pulled his fangs out I gather enough force to roll him onto his back and straddle his waist. The surprise occupied his face briefly, being replaced with a playful arousal. I brought our lips back to each other, pulling away briefly only to nip at his lips. His hands found my thighs, squeezing with each nip to his lips. It almost felt like a massage before he slid them up to my waist. Locking his grip, he tugged me taut against him. We started grinding into each other while our kiss went deeper. We were the only two in the world right now and nothing would satisfy us more than melting into one being.  

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