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Kayleigh stared at the old tree on the cliff. The memories of the past flowed and swirled around her head. How much she wished they could all be back at this tree, laughing and venting to each other. Those were the days where the only worries were the school work and perfecting our hobbies. She was the one who studied the most on history, battles or strategies. Amaryllis focused on various dance styles and fighting styles. The dance was for fun. The fighting a way to release steam and to accomplish her dream to become the strongest warrior. Addilyn dabbled in everything that involved taking over the pack. There were many times the two of them would debate with each other about various topics. Evelyn mostly focused on reading anything she could find in the surrounding libraries. She was not outgoing like her twin who was never afraid to throw a punch over any form of disrespect towards somebody who earned it. Something they all did was have each other's back.

I looked over to my grandmother the moon goddess. She was rubbing her face against grandfather's wolf form. She was thoroughly enjoying showing affection to my grandfather. He looked slightly annoyed but did not seem too bothered by her actions. I small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. Their love was cute. It made me happy that they chose to stand next to each other after how many centuries of being reborn together. I only wished for the rest of us to be able to find that kind of happiness. I know my chance of finding that type of happiness was decent.

Kaleb was patient and kind. He took into account for everything that has happened to help me with the healing process. I know it was probably rough at times but he worked through it all alongside me. I would not have gotten as far as I did if it were not for him. Amy and Daniel admitted that he asked for help or advice from them at times because he was unsure how to go about handling things. I chuckled remembering that. The all-knowing immortal asking a mortal for advice. A little ironic. I frowned as the feeling of wanting nothing more than to snuggle up to him and get a hug back over took me. I slumped down to a sitting position. Staring at the ground before me I realized my grandparents were sitting down on either side of me. I looked between them a little confused.

"Miss him?" She spoke up in a playful question.

I frowned deeper. She knew the answer to that. I stared at her and raised an eyebrow. She threw her head back and laughed.

"I know you do dear." She said still laughing. "But sometimes you have to say it for someone to know it is truth. You cannot always just assume information. You have to confirm it too or you may cause destruction in the end."

I stared at her. She was right, of course. You can never just assume things. Sometimes what you think it could be can end up being the exact opposite. That was what happened with my sister. She thought maybe her mate was not in a pack and nervous to have a mate that was in a pack. She was completely wrong. He held a high status with the control of a pack. They were very powerful. I frowned. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to my grandmother to see a sympathetic face. She knew what I was thinking. I made an effort to have a small smile but it did not stay long.

"How long am I going to be here with you?" I asked.

"Oh! Tired of my company already huh?" she pouted.

"It's not that! I promise!"

I panicked before realizing she was just teasing me. It was my turn to pout.

"I just...."

I didn't know how to word it.

"I understand do not worry. But this takes time to happen." She answered.

"What takes time?" I asked a little confused.

"The body's adjustment to the transformation."

I stared at her. My mind spinning through everything she could mean, but only one kept coming to the front.

"Do you mean I'm becoming an immortal like Kaleb?"

She turned to me. The silver of her eyes seeming to burrow through to my soul. So many emotions ran through those eyes. But mixed in those emotions I could read the hope.

"It won't be long now." She whispered.

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