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Kayleigh sat in a booth at a small restaurant. It was a week after she woke up. Paige, Abrelle and Layla took her to out to get some food. Amy tagged along to keep an eye out for trouble but also be a part of the girl time. It was understandable considering she was surround by boys all the time or on her own. She poked fun with the others and laughed. It was a nice breather from everything that has been happening lately. It started running through her head. The ruin of her pack and home. The death of her father and later her mother. Her sister risking so much to get her out for help. Meeting her own mate once she did escape to find he was also an Immortal Alpha. The spiral of events that have happened since their meeting were relieving and chaotic. The events that have yet to come has her worried. Will it end badly or will everything manage to work itself out. The only thing she hoped for was everyone to be still alive when they found her.


I snapped out of my thoughts to find everyone was staring at me. I gave an apologetic smile to them.

"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts..."

"We noticed when you stopped responding." Amy spoke up, "Is everything alright?"

I sighed. I learned that I could not keep thoughts hidden for long after meeting them. It was a process to open up to them. I dug around my thoughts trying to figure out where to start. They sat and waited patiently for me to gather my thoughts. I heaved out another sigh.

It's just the usual thoughts. Might was well say that.

I rolled my eyes.

Gee thanks Bianca.

It's true.

Yeah, I know....

I looked between everyone at the table.

"It's the same problems that have always plagued my thoughts." I admitted.

Everyone gave worried looks.

"It's fine. I just wonder how long it will be before we can find them." I admitted. "Any who we will find..."

The silence at the table was deafening. The chattering around the restaurant was the only thing to fill the air. I could feel the uneasiness fill the air.

"Look," I said catching their attention, "I know this takes time. It's been how long since Kaleb found me and it was only then that they managed to make some progress on this. It's just rough. I'm here with all of you. Being helped and kept safe. But the conditions that we were in before I left...."

I paused, trying to figure out how to word it.

"It still haunts me." I admitted, looking at Amy, "Those nightmares still haunt me. It's gotten better but it still haunts me."

Amy gave an apologetic look.

"I just wish we were closer to getting him."

I looked down at my food. I hated feeling like this. Helpless.

"You will get him and save your pack." Paige spoke up.

I looked up at her. She had the determined look of a Luna.

"I just hope we make it in time." I answered back.

"We will." Amy spoke up looking me dead in the face. "You escaping gave us the upper hand we have needed to take them down. The information that you gave us not thinking it was important has given us huge steps to getting close to taking them down. We are closer than we have ever been thanks to you. I would not be surprised if we managed to catch them sooner than planned."

They have been telling me that constantly. Almost every time I mentioned about feeling helpless and thinking we wont make it in time they remind me on how much I have helped turn the tides into our favor.

The amount of information that we thought was useless was very informative for them. We were the missing pieces of a bigger puzzle.

And there has to be more in our minds that can be helpful if we dig...

Yeah.... Buts its so hard to not get swallowed in that mess...

My wolf and I hated thinking back to that time. The smells alone were nauseating. Though as each day came and went, we have gotten stronger and stronger we will continue to grow. I looked up at Amy. Looking deeply into her grey eyes. A new determination rising inside of me. I could see she was noticing the change in me and smirked.

"I want to go over things again." I informed her. "After we finish eating that is..."

She chuckled.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" asked Layla.

I knew they have been feeling hopeless since I have shown up. The most they have done was take me out to the stores occasionally buying me things that I ended up needing later. I mulled over everything in my head trying to think of what they could do to help. It was not much.

"Would you guys be up for bringing snacks and drinks over." I asked. "You might not end up helping much but having some other eyes might be helpful with pointing out something we could not see."

They smiled and nodded.

"Let's eat!" Paige spoke up.

"Then we can separate to gather everything and meet up at the Elder Alpha's home." Layla spoke up.

After we agreed to the plan our food arrived shortly after. We quickly dug in and finished. The snacks would be something that would be eaten probably hours from now. Our bellies were so full from our meals I think if we ate anything more it would make us sick. Amy and I waved those three a temporary good bye and then walked towards the outside of the town where the car was parked. As we reached a more deserted part of the pack lands I slowly began to feel put me on edge. I did some nonchalant looking around to try and see if anything stood out but nothing. Amy was picking up something was wrong. She did the same but by her reactions she could not spot anything either.


I only waited a few seconds before he responded. He made sure to keep our mind-link open at all times.

Kayleigh? What is it?

There is someone following Amy and I. we can't pinpoint where or who but we can both sense it.

She is mind-linking about it as well. Daniel and I are heading out to meet you. Alex is staying at the house to keep watch. I've warned the Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Their mates are safe in a public space. You two keep your eyes open and stay alert. Be careful. We had a feeling they would try something eventually to get you.

Well, they won't take me easily even when they try.

I looked over to Amy. I could practically read her thoughts. The car wasn't far off but it was enough to take time and energy to reach it. The question was would we make it to the car before our watchers caught us. We nodded. Staring sternly at the other we quickly faced forward and sprinted. 

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