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Kayleigh stared at her grandmother. The words barely rolled off her tongue before the pain hit. It was so strong it knocked the wind out of her. She instantly crumbled to the ground as the muscles in her body tensed up. It felt as if she was shifting for the first time again but this was different. There was a stronger power to how her body contorted and contracted with each wave of pain. She could feel the wolf inside her howling in pain as well, suffering alongside her. It made the experience worse with neither able to control or comfort the other. Bones cracked and popped out of place as the body starts shifting into a new shape. What was happening to cause both sides to be in so much pain?

My screams filled the air, echoing though the vast empty space around me. The darkness felt like it was consuming every scream of pain. Some time passed before it started to sound like the screams were bouncing off the walls of a small room. Confusion mixed in with the pain. Where was I now? I was in the field with my grandparents then a black void but now it was somewhere inside a small room? Where could I be? I was now laying flat my senses felt numb with pain. I tried to curl into a ball and met resistance with a few pairs of hands. Paranoia filled me as I tried to fight the ones trying to hold me down. I was never going to let it happen again. I was not going to let anyone hold me down without a fight.

I opened my eyes to blurred grayscale colors around me. I couldn't recognize anything but that was not going to stop me. I grabbed the wrist on my left and twisted. Their arm crackled from the force as a scream escaped their body. I took advantage of swinging my arm across one side to the other and bash another in the face on my right. The crack of their nose told me I hit my mark. I took the opportunity to make my move and try to escape their grasp. As I moved to sit up I felt objects in my arms pull at my skin, they attached something to me. a low growl escaped me. The other hands on me released instantly. I quickly moved to my hands and feet. My head still felt in a haze what every they gave me was not wearing off easily. A few pair of hands attempted grabbing me again. I quickly pulled the set on my right and smashed them in the face. I felt something pull at the object stuck to me, the long thin material pulled out of my skin.

"GET OFF!" I managed to voice out.

My eyes struggled to adjust to the room, everything was still extremely blurred around me. The figures were just blurry blobs that spoke in swirls and slurs. I couldn't tell if I was with an enemy or an ally. I knew one thing. If I was surrounded by enemies, I needed to conquer the area and move forward to escape. I jumped up, higher than I thought I could and landed on the floor. Actually, I crashed into it. My limbs did not listen to me, it was like I cut off the circulation and they were coming back to life as the blood flowed back through my veins again. I tried to shake it off but it was not helping fast enough. The blurs of people rushed to me but I managed to still be faster.

I moved forward and shoved two backwards. The crash of their bodies hitting the metal objects inside echoed in the room. One of the blurs I believed tried to talk but the words just swirled and did not make sense. I couldn't understand what was being said but I was not going to wait to find out either. I quickly made my way to the wall with a rectangular-like shape. In the hopes of finding the door I stumbled to it. I could sense the movement behind me. I quickly turned to see a few burry figures standing a short distance from be again. A growl escaped me, this one stronger. The figures froze. I could sense the nervousness and fear escape them. Then is clicked. Something was not right. That pack I evaded did not care about living or dying. They did not wait for their victim to move to a new spot. They ambushed and killed. Taking care of their problems instantly.

I took a moment to smell the room. The smell of sterile cleansers and isopropyl alcohol filled my nostrils along with the faint smell of blood. The smell told me I was in a hospital, it was the only place to ever smell like this. I shook my head a few times trying to get my thoughts gathered up. The ememies territory smelled like shit, literally. This was not there. I fought to get my sense to pulled together and figure out who was before me.


At the voice my head snapped to the location of where I believed was the door. Another blurred figure stood there as the sound of rugged breaths filled the air.

"Kaleb" I barely whispered in relief. 

Luna of ConquestWhere stories live. Discover now