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Kayleigh walks along side with her sister. They traveled through a field of flowers into a dense forest and eventually pop out at a waterfall with rocks of all sizes scattered around it. This path led to their place to escape from being the Alpha's daughters and to just be sisters. The only others that they showed this secret place to were their twin cousins; Addilynn and Evelynn. Her father; Jasper, and their mother; Lilith, were siblings. The only one who could find them was their Aunt Lilith. Even though she was blind she could find someone better than any tracker known. She stood on the top of the largest rock next to the pool at the base of the waterfall. Amaryllis hopped between the flat stones that made a path around the pool. Addilynn and Evelynn popped out of the trees and bounced over to us giggling. Smiles stretched across all of our faces as we started splashing each other playfully, laughing.

I stopped once I hit the mud. I noticed a figure at the tree line and froze. The scent that hit me was Aunt Lili. She found us, that meant our time was up for the day. I turned to the girls as they stopped and noticed her. I looked at Eve and watched the look of horror cross her face as her screaming filled the air. Addilynn jumped, racing forward with fear. I snapped my head back around to watch her run toward her mom, who was pinned to a tree. A large figure held her in place with ease as it pounded into her face. Her blood poured out of the corners of her mouth and cuts across her face. I froze. Her lips were moving, forming words, a command but it didn't reach my ears. I came to realize the figure moved from her lifeless body at the base of the tree to Addilynn, smashing her to the ground and throwing punches at her. A few to the stomach to daze her before smashing into her face too. My stomach churned. Hands grabbed my upper arms as Evelynn and Amaryllis tried to pull me to my feet. I lost my power to move. My breathing spiked as I realized the figure was now before us, the wicked grin across his face as he stared down at us.

"I told you," He sickening voice whispered, "You can't hide forever."

I opened my eyes screaming bloody murder. My limbs thrashed about as I tried to kick away the bodies that surrounded me. My fight and flight senses were in full control as I tried to escape the hands that were trying to hold me down. I landed a few good kicks and punches but it didn't seem to stop another one from replacing the first one. I could hear the cursing from a distance and another heaving some heavy breaths. Finally, my eyes landed on a face and focused on it. I stopped moving and stared at it as his name came to my head. Kaleb. He was standing over me and trying to say something to me.

"Calm down, you're with me," His words finally reached my ears, "You are safe."

I stared at his face, breathing in his scent. Taking it in and letting it relax me. The smell of fresh unearthed dirt mixed with a hint pine. We stared into each other's eyes as my breathing steadied and the panic subsided. The tears erupted down my face as the scenes from the nightmare flashed again briefly. I leaned into his chest and wrapped my arms around his ribcage, heaving breaths as I let the sadness overtake me for a moment. I felt his hands rub up and down my back to calm me. I realized my hands were shaking and within seconds stopped. As I calmed down, I snuggled more and more into Kaleb's warmth. Using it to settle my nerves and believe in the fact that this was reality. That was the nightmare. It happened again. I looked up to his face apologetically.

"It's fine, you don't need to give me the face," He whispered to me.

"I still feel bad," I mumbled, "the nightmares don't effect just me. I keep waking you guys up too..."

I buried my face into his chest.

"Question, have you tried her sleeping in your bed yet?" I heard Amy's voice behind him speak up.

I could tell he was turning to give her a look. I faced down towards my lap, focusing on the warmth of his embrace.

"I'm serious Kaleb." She spoke almost sternly. "Mates have effects on each other. If one is furious the other can calm them. If one of them is upset the other can uplift them. It's the purpose of having a mate, to be able to create balance between two souls. I'm sure if she sleeps next to you for a few nights it would help with the nightmares."

He let her words sink in. She was right, the goddess picked pairs in ways to help better each other. Most of the time it works out well for both and they live long happy lives or build to be powerful role models. There were also the few instances where it ended up in a bitter end, usually after some rough times with one or both being in misery. Those almost always ended in death. I also wasn't really a fan of the idea of everyone going to bed and leaving me to lay in my bed awake. The fear once again taking its grip on me after everyone was sleeping. Kaleb wasn't protesting, nor was he agreeing. It gave me a slight hope it would agree to the idea. I waited, nerves eating away at the fear of being alone again. I finally felt him turn to face forward again then remain quiet for a few moments. His thumb began rubbing circles into my upper arm.

"What do you think?" he whispered.

I kept my face towards my lap for a moment. I was nervous of the idea of staying in the same bed, but the idea of feeling the warmth for a while longer instead of being alone was a lot more appealing. I slowly looked up to him. His face was actually looking a little flushed. I quickly felt my face heat up.

"I...I wouldn't mind," I whispered, "If it can help, I'll try it."

"Alright," He agreed. "Back to bed you three."

I felt bad for them. They were stuck with it only because they were his followers. They were being patient, but I could tell at times their patience was wearing thinner some days more than others. Kaleb swung his arm underneath my knees and the other snaked around my back. I squeaked out a startled scream as he picked me up and grabbed ahold of his shirt and held on. It took a moment till I processed what he was doing exactly. He was carrying me to his room. I looked up at him with the same startled face.  

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