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Kaleb picked up Kayleigh with ease, her startled expression followed quickly with a blush was amusing. He could tell she gained back some weight since they found her. It made him happy. She was really thin when he picked her up to take her to get looked over. He almost thought she would break picking her up into his arms. Now she did not feel a boney and fragile. She had a more natural weight to her and her body was softer. As much as it may have been embarrassing for her, he was enjoying carrying her over to his room. It felt like a type of bonding moment for them. He wasn't really sure how to go about dealing with mates. He had one or two dates but that was about it, relationship wise. Those nights were just to pass some time out of loneliness and no company with followers at those moments. He was not sure how to go about what the mortals call 'developing the relationship'.

Ask one of those three stupid.

I got to the entrance of my room and entered. Thinking about it, I guess I should, it would probably be the easiest.

Daniel, what all could I do to get closer? What exactly do mates do to develop their relationships?

You realize that varies from couple to couple.

Okay, what is some common things?

I felt him pause. I reached my bed and sat her down on the edge. I noticed the red tinting her face from embarrassment of being carried. I smiled as I stood up and looked around my room.

Most of the time they work to get to know each other better or work to make the other proud and be helpful for them. In your case though, I think taking your time to help her heal and being there for her is the best. Though I bet a few dates here and there would cheer her up too.

I could feel the smugness in his tone. It irritated me more than I thought.

Also, she might be awake for a while, so maybe a movie or some music could help her calm down enough to go back to sleep? The last couple nightmares that we went back to bed I kept hearing her getting out of bed and wandering her room.

I mulled over that thought for a second. Looking at her. She was taking in her surroundings. Observing the information my room had to offer her. I felt another smile cross my face and deepen when her gaze crossed mine. She looked away embarrassed and started fidgeting with her fingers. The paranoia was keeping her awake, I could feel it now.

Okay, thank you.


"One moment, I'll be right back."

"Okay," She softly responded.

I strolled out of my room down the stairs into my office. I found my laptop and pulled the power cord out of the wall, gathering everything into my arms and heading back upstairs to my room. She was sitting cross-legged now but still looking around. Closing the bedroom door behind me I walked over to the side she was at and started setting up the laptop on the nightstand next to the bed. I plugged the power cable into the wall then turned to her. She was watching curiously.

"You can use my laptop to watch a movie or play some music till you get tired enough to sleep again." I informed her.

I moved around to grab a book and walked over to the chair in my room to sit. She most likely will be more comfortable without me in the bed. I'm sure she was just as nervous as I am about sharing a bed for the first time. Well, for me it wouldn't be a first, it had been a very long time since I share a bed. I opened up the book to the last page I was on. I tried to remember where I last red to and how long it had been since I last looked at this book.


I glanced up to see her puzzled look towards me.

"Are.... Are you not going to sleep?" She asked

She was turned to the laptop but face toward me. I had thought staying in the same bed would have bothered her. But... Maybe not? I closed my book and set it on the arm of the chair.

"I figured you probably would not like the idea of sleeping in the same bed?" I questioned.

I saw her cheeks flush a little but barely. Her mouth opened a few times like she was going to speak then closed up looking down shyly. I saw the resolve on her face as she looked back up at me.

"We.... We're mates... So, I have to get use to the idea eventually!" She spoke matter-of-fact-like. "Plus, it... it's not like you'll do anything to me if I don't want it.... Right?"

It sounded more like she was trying to convince herself. I chuckled.

"Don't worry, I don't force myself on others, especially if someone is still healing." I told her. "I'll just stay here for the moment and read while you go to sleep so relax."

I saw her start to pout as fear also crossed her face. Startled by the look I threw down my book and stood up ready to walk over to her. She was quicker. she stomped over and wrap her arms around my ribs. She was average height for mortal wolves but compared to me she was slightly small. I kept my arms slightly in the air before cautiously and softly wrapping them around her shoulders. She managed to throw me for a loop at times, but it was starting to be entertaining at times. Her hug tightened, though for me it wasn't much strength. We stood there for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's warm embrace. I think I understand a little more what those two were talking about now. Give her space to heal and get comfortable with the new surroundings. Do things to get to know her but do it at a pace that works for us.

"Do you want me to join you in the bed?" I asked.

After a moment she peaked up at me. Almost like a sad puppy face begging for their owner to give them attention.

"Ye...yeah...." She mumbled with a determined look, "But no funny business or I will hurt you!"

I held back the smile that tried to form on my face. She does realize I was an immortal and that we are the strongest among the beings alive on this planet? If she tried it would not really amount to much. I smiled and chuckled.

"I would not force you into anything," I informed her, "But alright I'll join you in the bed."

I loosened my grip the same time she did and headed over to get ready to sleep. She put her focus back to the computer searching and after a few minutes of struggling got a movie playing. She seemed satisfied with her choice and laid down facing me. I gave her a curious look to which she just buried herself down further into the sheets. She put on the movie but was facing away from the screen. I chuckled till I felt a hand softly wrap around my right wrist. I stared at the top of her head poking out of the sheets. After a few minutes I maneuvered my arm around so I could carefully lay my hand around her waist. She made a brief squeeze before relaxing and started dozing off. I lifted up the bed sheet enough to peak at her face. In the hospital it either showed pain, exhaustion or worry. Now she looked so calm and peaceful and that alone was a relief. I pulled the sheet down to her neck bulked it up like a fluffy collar. Hopefully she can actually sleep the rest of the night in peace. I looked to the laptop to see what she chose to play. I laughed. Jurassic Park.

That was definitely a turning point type of movie for many reasons. Not only for archeology and science, but also in movie making. It is a still well-favored movie series. It made me curious if she had seen the recently released ones or not. I'll have to find out and maybe watch them with her. Though I guess I probably should see the first ones first. I ended up watching the whole movie as she snuggled into me, sleeping soundly for the first time since admitted in the hospital. Her face scrunched up a few times as she flinched and jerked a few times but ended up settling down just as quickly. She always ended up snuggling back into my side. I wasn't sure what to expect with having a mate but now I was sure I could live enjoying her by my side in the future. 

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