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Kayleigh leaned against the medical bed watching as doctors walked in and out constantly all day. They checked temperatures and numbers on the machines connected to me by wires and tubes. The one I saw the most was an Asian female named Rachel Reynolds. She was nice and always to the point. They were being careful about how much anyone outside the hospital knew about me. They told me that my pack's massacre was little over a year ago now. Until now it was believed that nobody survived. Here I was though, extremely malnourished but alive. I informed them that others of my pack were alive but being held captive and this worried them. They never went further on the topic after that and focused on my recovery.

I found out that my mate was the Immortal Alpha Kaleb, one of the four Ancient Alphas that lived in Northern America. He was a Native American. Even though he looked to still be in his twenties his dark almond eyes told you he was a few hundred years old. He has a strong physic and tanned skin tone with a long and rounded face with high cheek bones. His black hair was tied back into a low ponytail. He probably wouldn't have been my first choice when I was younger, but now, I found him attractive.

He has been residing in the Southern Dew Pack for the last few decades. The current Alpha of the Southern Dew Pack, Mark, knew him since he was a pup. When he came to settle for a while and work out problems that his father couldn't handle at the time. Alpha Mark acted rather chummy with him even though Kaleb would act annoyed at times. At first Kaleb would stay in the room with me twenty-four seven, unsure about my condition. The nerves over having a mate taking priority over his work. Once time passed and he knew I would be alright he started disappearing to his office in the pack and do his work. Not long after he started leaving more and more for work the nightmares began to plague my sleep.

The screams of my pack dying around me. The look on my mother's face as she watched father struggle under the grasp of a powerful immortal alpha. Her soul being crushed once he beathed his last breath. My sister frozen in place at the edge of the buildings. The crushed look of horror as she watched the scene, wanting to scream but choked as nothing would come out. Then the disgusting words that spilled from his mouth once he noticed her. 'Well, hello my little mate' The twisted grin that smeared across his face was disgusting. Then the horrors of everything that happened in captivity started to play. The torture, starving, watching loved ones be punished for what you did. It was all too much. Too overwhelming.

I would awake screaming, gasping for air as I took time to figure out where I was at. Sometimes I would awake kicking and fighting the arms that tried to hold me down to keep me from hurting myself. The tears spilled over my cheeks as the emotions overcame me, the cries filled the room. Their hushing and words to try and calm me would never help. It took them hours till they would finally just give me a sedative to ease my fear and anxiety.

This last one that happened was going the same as the ones before, only this time Kaleb was close by and came into the room. Once my eyes landed on him, they must have begged for his help as he watched them hold me down to the bed. The deafening growl that filled the room caused everyone to freeze as he stormed over.

"Get off her!" He yelled, furious, grabbing me and pulling me against him.

I could see the face of one doctor as he watched us, nervous about my outbursts that have happened before now. Only the second his hands touched my skin and pulled me against him my nerves calmed immensely. The mates bond worked its magic, as each second passed, the shaking slowed more and more till eventually it stopped. I realized his arms wrapped protectively around me as he hummed a native sounding song next to my ears. It was soothing, even if it wasn't ever meant to be soothing for someone.

"You got her to calm down..." One finally spoke up.

I pressed into his chest more as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. I didn't want him to leave me yet. I just wanted to continue to feel safe, to not have to worry for just a moment. It's amazing how the mates bond works. He was definitely different from her mate. He cared and acted protectively even if he didn't realize what it was at first. He would think of this for soothing me and it worked like a charm. Then the guilt settled in, my sister wasn't as lucky. I was here with my mate safe while she was still in danger with hers. My grip tightened on his shirt as I buried my face deep into his chest trying to contain the tears and sadness that engulfed me from the thought. His hand rubbed up and down my back to continue to calm me. From a Young age our father taught us to be strong and hold our heads high with pride. Here I sit now with my mate next to me but that pride and fearlessness long gone, shaking with fear and anxiety. I felt weak in the eyes of the people around me and pathetic in my mate's eyes. I hated it.

I HATE IT SO MUCH. Tears streamed stronger down my face as I shoved at my mate. His strength kept him in place which infuriated me, proving how weak I became. I began to pound on his chest screaming. Screaming to get out. Screaming to leave me alone. Eventually just screaming noises filled the room till they quickly became uneven sobs. My forehead touched his chest as I struggled to catch my breath and throat hoarse. His arms snaked back around me while one hand rubbed circles into my back once again.

"Leave the room," His deep voice spoke in a commanding tone, "Let us be alone for a while."

I listened to the footsteps grow softer till the last set echoed before the sound of the door closing. We sat like that for hours. His hands rubbing circles into my back. Then switching to massaging my shoulders while humming one of his tunes till my cries died away. I was left an exhausted ball against him. I felt him kiss the top of my head before I finally fell asleep, feeling safer than I have in years.

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