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Kayleigh felt like an emotionless shell after that night. She would lay there nodding when needed or lay there staring at the ceiling as her mind melted into the dark abyss of the silent void. The doctor must have noticed and said something to the Luna in hopes that she could help. She with the Beta's mate and Gamma's mate walked into the room. The aroma of the food and drinks filled the room instantly. Her head snapped to the doorway. A squeal came from the chubby female at the sudden movement. The Luna laughed with the other female at her easy scare. That earned them a glare from a tomato red face as she turned away with a pout to her lips. The Luna gave her a quick pat on her shoulder before bouncing over to the bedside.

I stared at the bags they carried which were fabric with a solid flat bottom to it. The smell gave away that there was food inside, I just couldn't figure out what kind of food. Then a smell from something I haven't touched in years hit my nose and my head snapped to the cappuccino that was being held by the lady I scared earlier. I felt like I was drooling. I heard their chuckles and instantly felt the heat on my face as I quickly looked to my lap. How rude was I being, they were visiting and it was their lunch, not mine. Sadness hit me as I realized how much I missed eating fast food.

"Here have it," a soft-spoken voice said next to me.

I looked up to see the lady holding out her drink for me to take. I stared between it and her face. She was going to give it up to me? Confusion filled my mind as I wanted to take it and gulp down every drop but held back. I couldn't. What was their intentions? Was there something in the drink?

"Honey," Spoke the Luna.

My eyes moved to her face.

"Take the drink."

I sat there going between them and the drink. The Luna quickly swiped the drink from her friend and took a swig making sure I watched her swallow it. Then shoved it into my unexpecting hands. I struggled for a second before I found my grip on it and stared at the straw. She was showing me it was safe to drink it. Like what he did with the oxygen mask when I first woke up. My eyes teared up as I quickly brought it to my mouth and sucked down the sweet and warm drink. Once I was finished with it, I made an audible satisfied sound. I realized the ladies were chuckling at me and I felt the heat on my face again.

"You like cappuccino, that's good to know," the Luna chuckled. "Don't worry we'll sneak them in for you every day now we know you like them This is our first actual meeting together. I'm Paige, Alpha Mark's mate. This is Abrielle, Beta Dekan's mate."

She pointed to the long but obviously not natural red-haired lady next to her. Her skin had a slight tan and her eyes were a pale blue color. She was thin but pretty in her own style, which seemed almost a punkish but formal look.

"This lady here that you scared the piss out of is Layla, mate of Gamma Taj."

She pointed to the other lady with the short brown hair that curled into her face. Her skin was paler but looked like maybe had recently gotten sun burned. She was chubby but the dress she wore made her look awesome, complimenting every feature on her body.

"We heard from a little birdie that somebody was starting to seem a little down and we thought we would help cheer you up. As you noticed we've brought food to eat together." She spoke.

They worked together as one pulled the table in the room over and then all three pulled different take-out containers and sat them on the table, opening them and pushing all the containers together till none were left. I stared at all the food before me. Some I recognized instantly from times my family went out to eat while others were new to me. Before I realized it, I was almost to the table and froze. Don't eat too much right now, your stomach can't handle so much right away after dealing with so little food for so long. I stared at the food and decided to take a spoonful of everything. Then I would be able to taste everything that I had missed and not over do it with the food. Once I had a bit of everything guilt hit me again. Here I was eating such delicious food while those still alive from my pack were probably starving for the how many days this time.

I got nauseous. I clasped my hand over my mouth trying to not lose it but tears filled my eyes again. What should I do? I didn't know anymore. Was there anything I could do? In all reality, could I find them? Could I save them. The need to throw up disappeared by the weight of everything hit me as I sobbed again. I was quickly surrounded by warmth, not the one I was wanting the most but it felt just as good at this point. Those three held the hug till I calmed down. They tried to get me to eat more but I shook my head, hunger long gone now. They decided to dig in themselves then hid the evidence back into their bags.

They ended up staying with me for an hour. At first it was telling me where each of the food items came from, a few that I liked I noted in my head. They asked about more on what foods I liked and promised to bring new things to try and to get one or two that were old favorites. I ended up telling them a few things about me as well. The Luna had a look cross her face but just as quickly disappeared. Before they left, they gave me a small device that I remembered as an older iPhone touch. I stared at it then up to the Luna then back to the device. I tried to give it back but she refused.

"It has all of our numbers in it. Including the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Alpha Kaleb. We convinced Kaleb to add you to his phone plan with just a hand me down device for now. We are planning to make a shopping trip and get you a phone you want then."

I froze. He had a phone? I looked down at it and so many thoughts crossed my mind. I heard the chuckled and I looked up to their amused faces.

"The hospitals internet for staff only is connected to it so you can use it easily." Layla explained.

"We also added different video apps for you so you can watch movies or check out random videos online." Mentioned Abrielle. "We signed into our accounts and also made a note in there with the username or email and passwords for each of them."

"I'm sure it will be a pleasant surprise from Kaleb if you called him." Paige spoke, "We have to get going but make sure to use it. Message one or all of us. Do message Alpha Kaleb, I think he's getting lonely for once in his life."

She wiggled her eyebrows in a naughty hinting type of way. Which got all of us into a fit of laughter and giggles.

"Thank you." I spoke up, "I doubt he's that lonely though."

"Trust us," spoke up Layla, "He's changed a bit since you've shown up. The guys are finding it entertaining and I swear he's going to rip their heads off if they don't stop it."

"He's going through the emotions of a mortal wolf finding a mate," said Abrielle, "We are all finding it funny. But it's driving him up a wall. You are going to have your hands full with him."

That's right, none of the Immortals planned to ever find a mate. It was their second punishment. What is the Moon Goddess planning?

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