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Kaleb stormed out of his office. Something felt wrong, very wrong, through the faint connection he had with Kayleigh. He sensed her pain, anguish and guilt. It just seeped through the line of their connection like bitter bile. His aids linked something changed, and that there was something happening. She wasn't responding to them but knew she could hear them. He rounded the corner up the stairs hurriedly skipping some of the steps. Once at the landing he rushed to the room they were inside.

"KAYLEIGH!" my voiced echoed through the house.

As I neared the door frustrated screams filled the room. Amy's voice trying to be heard over the noise, failing to calm the situation inside. I ripped open the door and halted at the sight before me. She was hunched over, body tense as her shoulders stretched as far apart as they could, shaking. A gasping noise escaped her as her body began shifting. Her head snapped up, teeth barred, her eyes showing she was far away from them. A growl echoed through the room before she twisted and slammed her upper body against the floor. She convulsed and shifted into her wolf. Huffing and puffing she flopped to her side before bouncing back up and hurried for an exit. Daniel jumped in front of her to try and stop her. She pushed off her hindlegs in full-force and headbutted him in the abdomen. A strange noise escaped him before hitting the ground. She swerved around Amy and then myself as she rushed to get out.

"Amy, take care of him, I'm going after her." I ordered before rushing to track Kayleigh.

I rushed down the stairs. I could hear the back door shatter. As I hurried to the back I heard the front door slam open, two pairs of footsteps caught up from behind as I reached the back.

"What's happening?" Paige huffed as she came into view.

The Gamma close behind her alert and taking in the surroundings. Looking for the threat that was causing the commotion in my home.

"Something is happening with her, but none of are sure what," I spoke vaguely.

"What do you mean? With who?" Gamma Taj Questioned.

It was the truth, none of them knew what was happening exactly. Something must have triggered her to transform. I hurried out the back doorway, taking a deep breath to pick up her scent and listening to tell how far she had made it. By the time I made it to the edge of the woods she was nearing half a mile away.

"You can follow but I can not promise how she will react to you two," I announced before going into a full sprint.

"Wait!" Paige's voice echoed and quieted as distance grew between us. "Damn it."

I put my focus on Kayleigh. The direction she was headed was peculiar. She seemed to be zig zagging through, running in one direction then change to another direction. There was no reasoning to it. But one noticeable pattern was that she moved in directions away from others, to isolation. Something had to be triggering her to feel like she was unsafe. To feel like she needed to run to somewhere isolated. Paige and Taj were going to need to stay back once we get close enough but I was sure they would not be too bothered by it. They could make a perimeter to make sure nobody came close before I could get her calmed down. Once we reached about a mile a half a mile out and I stopped turning to the two behind me. Paige was about to open her mouth and I shook my head.

"She is about half a mile ahead," I spoke, "Do not approach her yourself. If you two want to help me make a mile perimeter around us please. I am not sure what is happening with her exactly but I do know I do not want anyone carelessly walking too close. If anyone asks just say that I am handling a unpredictable situation and no one is to interfere."

They both remained silent for a moment before she nodded and began walking to my right. Taj looked skeptical for a moment before following her lead. He began walking in the opposite direction. I listened to their footsteps disappearing into the forest around me before I turned around and headed to her. Her scent told me she has not moved any further since we stopped. As I got closer I could hear her labored sounding breaths. Her run must have worn her out more than she realized, though she did travel quite the distance. We were now easily a few towns over from my home. I cautiously stepped closer taking in the scents around me, making sure it was just us two in the immediate vicinity. I had a possible idea of what may be happening but I was not going to come to a conclusion so quickly and make an possible wrong assumption. That almost always ended badly for one of the parties involved.

I was finally aboutto get her in my line of sight. She was still a few hundred yards ahead of mebut I could see her. She had shifted back into her human form with her handspressed against her knees, breathing heavily, almost gasping for air. After so many breaths she would shake herhead, like she was struggling to get something out. As I got closer I could seeher body shaking slightly, like a brief tremble. It was when I reached close toa hundred yards that her head snapped up and towards my direction. Her wolves'eyes staring out as a growl escaped her bared teeth. Stiff she moved into amore defensive position. I was expecting this. When someone got lost in theirminds or as some put it 'drowning in their head' their morals and vision wouldbecome clouded and they would sometimes act out on anyone, regardless of howwell they knew them. She was definitely fighting something in her head. 

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