Chapter 33

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Selena Gomez
It's been a year and Jack got to come home when he was Four months right now I was at a photo shoot I played my new song on my phone "I want you to know" I sang I had Jelena with me I picked her up I was dancing with her in my dressing room with Theresa and Raquel and hung after getting my makeup done "Mama" I heard "I looked at Jelena "Mama" she said then I smiled I kissed her cheek if you want to know where Jack is Pattie took him to Justin for a boys day I don't and never will ever talk to him again he wanted to get all tough with me because he slapped Hailey in front of me and I was defending her no women deserve to be hit even if they do talk shit about kids my phone beeped I ignored it and gave Jelena to Raquel I went and took photos

Selena GomezIt's been a year and Jack got to come home when he was Four months right now I was at a photo shoot I played my new song on my phone "I want you to know" I sang I had Jelena with me I picked her up I was dancing with her in my dressing...

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After my photo shoot I was in the dresser room getting changed when my phone rung I seen a unknown number calling I didn't answer it but then there was a voicemail I put it on speaker "Hey babe, it's me," I rolled my eyes "I just want to call and tell you that I love you so, so, so, so much. I just wanted to let you know that you are my princess. You are worthy of all the love in the world"i heard then I heard a crash the line stopped "What the Fuck" I said "Theresa" I yelled "Where's Jelena" I yelled "She's with Raquel what happened" she asked "Don't know" I said soon Pattie calling me "Hey" I said "Don't panic I have Jack" she said my heart start beating I closed my eyes "He left me a voicemail" I said "Yea that's why I'm calling he's at the hospital"she said "Let me guess" I said "Yea"she said "Thanks for letting me know" I said "He's the kids father of course" she said we hung up "Are you gonna tell me what happened" Theresa asked "Justin been in a car accident" I said "Oh gosh is he okay"she asked "I don't know" I said "I think He was drinking and driving" I said "We can watch Jelena"she said "Thanks but I'm pretty sure Pattie and scooter have it" I said soon my phone rung I seen scooter "Hello" I said "Get to the hospital now"he said "Why" I asked "Because Justin requested you" he said "Ugh um okay I'll be there give me thirty minutes " I said "okay" he said we hung up "I have too" I said she nodded "We have her"she said "Actually he probably want to see her to"I said "We coming with you"she said I nodded we all loaded the car and went to the hospital "Hi is Justin Bieber here" I asked the woman looked at me "Family" she asked "She is"I said showing Jelena" I said "He's my ex she's our daughter" I said "Room 327"she said "But he's getting X-rays at the moment"she nodded soon I saw Pattie "Hi"I said to her "Jack is with my friend safe at home" she said I nodded "Well I'll go see if Justin wants to see Jelena" I said she nodded I went to his room I slightly smiled I was sitting there waiting till they bring him back in after 4 minutes they came back he turned and looked at me he smiled "they pushed his bed where it belongs then walked out "Hi"we both said at the same time "Oh my gosh" I heard I seen Hailey "No one called me I saw the news"she said she went to him kissed his lips "Yea because I wanted to see Selena" he said "Have you been drinking"she said "I'll come back" I said "No stay"he said "Hailey please"he said she rolled her eyes then kissed his cheek "I'll go talk to Pattie" she said then walked out "So why did you started drinking again" I said "I think we both know why"he said "Justin"I said soon tears came to my eyes "You got into an accident I was scared because you're the kids father" I said "Hey come here"he said I went to him "I'm still here" he said "The voice mail" I said he nodded "I'm sorry" he said "I meant what I said"he said "I still love you"he said I smiled I don't know why but I kissed him he grabbed my ass "Stop" I said I backed up "Where's Jack and Jelena"he asked "Jelena is out there with Pattie and my friends and Jack at Pattie house with her friend" I said "Why is your friends here"he asked "Because they were with me when I got the voicemail and call" I said "Oh"he said I nodded "I don't want Jelena to see me like this"he said "She called me mama earlier" I said "Really"he asked I nodded "Yea her first word" I said soon there was a knock I looked to see Threasa with jelena "Um"she said "Dada"we heard I looked at jelena she was looking at Justin "Oh" I said I grabbed her "Dada is alright" I said pointing to Justin he smiled at her she reached for him "Okay then" I said "When you hungry suck his boob" I said joking she smiled snuggling up to him "Ahh" I said I took a picture of them I smiled "Come on baby girl" I said she started crying "We will come back tomorrow" I said she threw a fit "Jelena Marie" I said getting aggravated she threw her pacifier "Okay that's it we not come tomorrow" I said she then head bud me "Ow" I said "Jelena"Justin said in a serious tone she stopped and looked at him "Stop" He said She gave him a mean look he gave her one back then he smiled "Come here baby" he said smiling I took her to him and he hugged her kissed her cheek "Daddy loves you"he said she smiled "Go with mom I'll see you tomorrow"he said she smiled wow what a daddies girl after he got her to calm down me and her left with my friends I once home i got jelena a bath and ready for bed then I went to my room my phone rung "Hey" I heard "Hi"I said "I miss you" I heard "Well I miss you too" I said "Come see me tomorrow" He said "Well my ex is in the hospital because of a car crash so I'm taking the kids to see him" I told Abel "Okay" he said "So how about after" he asked "Yeah we need to talk too" I said "Okay sexy"he said after we hung up I went to sleep

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