Chapter 28

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Selena Gomez
I was staring at the promise ring Justin Had gave me soon my phone vibrated I looked I seen Jelena was having fun at the water park with jazzy and jaxon and Alison and Justin I smiled I got up and ran to the bathroom I threw up I washed my mouth out and I went to my birth control I looked it was almost full "shit" I said I called a nurse and scheduled me an a appointment they had a opening today so I took it I took a shower got changed and went to my appointment I walked in after they called my name "Hello Selena I heard you came in because you missed your period"she said "yes I also noticed my birth control pills were kinda full" I said "Okey let's see"she said "Okey" I said she handed me a cup then I went to pee after I washed my hands and went back she took it then five minutes came back "Congratulations Selena"she said I did a little smile "Are you and the father"she asked "No he's married sorry no" I said she nodded "Are you keeping this child" she asked "Yes" I said after leaving Justin called me I smiled "Hey I was bringing Jelena back"he said "Sorry I'm not at home you can wait" I said "Sure"he said after I went home I went in I seen him and Jelena playing I went to the kitchen sitting my keys down I sat down "Are you okay"he asked "Yea" I said I went upstairs to lay down I laid down he came with Jelena I held her she started crying acting funny with me Justin looked at her she was 7 months he held her she calmed down I went to my restroom to use it after I walked out "Justin" I said about to cry he looked at me "I'm pregnant" I said he looked at me then smiled he came to me but I pushed him "No" I said "Come here"he said I rolled my eyes I went to him he kissed me "Stop" I said I sat down "She asked me was I gonna keep the baby like I had a option" I said "I mean you do but I hope you told her you keeping the baby"he said "Yea I did" I said "Good"he said "Well I'm going home see you later"he said I nodded he left after kissing me and Jelena good night i signed I thought how was I gonna raise Jelena and this new baby all by my self I seen Jelena sleep so I took her to her room after I took a nap I woke up to my phone I looked justin was calling "Answer the door"he said I got up and opened the door he looked at me I seen he had a bag "I told Hailey we had a fight"he said "The couch available for one night" I said but he went in walking upstairs I closed the door "Going to the guest room I'll get some covers and pillow" I said "No"he said he dropped his stuff and picked me up going upstairs he sat me on the bed "I remember spelling out that I loved you with chocolate and stuff"he said "Yea I remember too" I said he kissed me "Justin" I said but he didn't stop my hormones couldn't take it so we did it "Oh my gosh" I said he kissed my hand "So sel"he said "Huh" I said "I was wondering what if Jelena moved with me on weekends"he said "What" I said "Weekends" I said "Yea"he said "Justin she's only 7 months" I said "Okay"he said "No" I said "What do you mean no"he said "She's not staying with you on weekends" I said "And besides you go out and partying leaving her with Hailey" I said "She's my wife Selena"he yelled "THEN WHY THE HELL YOU OVER HERE WITH ME AND SHIT" I yelled "Because I still love you Dammit"he said softly I folded my arms "Justin" I said he looked at me "If you love me then you wouldn't have married her" I said "How did this go from wanting Jelena over to my relationship with Hailey" I said "Because you in my house telling me you love me when you have her at home" I said "And now I'm pregnant again" I said he kissed my neck I rolled my eyes "Stop" I said he rocked us "Selena" he whispered in my ear "I love you so fucking much"he said "I'm gonna go check on Jelena" I said "no stay "he said he pulled my iPad out and he downloaded a app and logged in I seen she was sleep peacefully I smiled soon I felt nauseous I threw up "Oh my gosh" I heard I seen puke all over Justin iPad and his chest I ran to the bathroom "Oh my"I said "Selena" I heard "go home" I said "Selena get out here" I heard I opened the door to see my mom "What are you doing here" I said "I been calling you're phone"she said "What why" I said "Remember Selena you are a celebrity who have photoshoots interviews and music to make"she said "You missed two interviews and a photo shoot"she said "Um I'm sorry I been a little busy" I said "Well obviously Selena this is why your manager said no to dating"she said "what why is there throw up on him and why is he here" she asked "Oh my Lanta" I said "Selena Marie"my mom yelled "Please don't tell me"she said "Tell you what" I said "Are you seriously pregnant" she asked "Mom" I said "Um I'm about to shower"He said I nodded "Selena you have to be careful"she said "I know mom" I said tears came "oh honey I didn't mean to upset you"she said "It's not that mom" I said "I don't wanna talk right now"I said she nodded and left I went inside the restroom i heard the shower running "When you ready come and get it" I heard I smiled a little Justin looked outside the shower over to me I smiled "Are you okay" He asked I nodded "Really"he said "Yes" I said he continued to shower I went to the bed I sat there then I heard ringing I looked Hailey was calling him I left it be "I'm bored" I said he came out in a towel  "Bored huh"he said then removed the towel we kissed "Stop Justin" I said he laughed we cuddled then went to sleep

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