Chapter 14

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Selena Gomez
Once in Texas we went to My Dad house "Dad" I said "Who this" I heard I looked to see Priscilla "Oh that's Justin And Alfredo" I said "Selena I know who Alfredo is he always directed your videos I mean him"She said about Justin "Oh yea that's Justin" I said going to find dad "And"She said "And"I asked she looked at me "Okay he's my boyfriend" I said smiling wide "Oh lord"She rolled her eyes "You're ugly American ass better treat her right"She said "I'm Canadian my second language is French"Justin said "Je traiterai selena avec respect"he said(I'll treat Selena with respect) he said Kissing her hand I slowly walked out but was stopped By Aiden "Lena"he said running to me "Oh my gosh baby boy you got so big" I said I laughed playing with him but that familiar feeling came and I ran to the restroom and threw up I washed my mouth out soon I went to the living room "Was that Selena I hear"I heard my dad I seen dad standing there "Honey are you sick"he asked "No just ate some bad lunch" I said he nodded then hugged me then kissed my head "Daddy this is Justin my boyfriend and this as you know already Alfredo" I said "What are you're attention with my baby girl"Dad said "well sir I tend to be the best boyfriend your daughter has ever had and love her unconditionally for better or worst I really do love Selena sir I can't picture me with anyone else"Justin said I smiled "Justin is a Big fan of mine" I said "Oh really how did you two meet"My dad asked "it's kinda a funny story" I said "Really explain it"Dad said "I was trying to sneak off from the guards and paparazzi when my car battery died right in front of his house and my phone died and Justin was nice to let me use his charger to call a tow company and it was the day before the concert at that since then something been pulling me back to Canada and every time I go I run into Justin or maybe it's faith" I said looking at Justin then I noticed how sexy he looked and he made me horny "Uh dad we going to have a tour around the city me and Justin" I said he nodded "We'll go with you two"Alfredo And Priscilla said "Uh no we good" I said "why not babe we can invite them"Justin said but I gave him that look he sat down "Oh okay I see"pricilla said then walked out then came back "Come here cuz"She said "Here you go if he forgets then you can tell him to help you out this in it's a female condom"She said "We don't need no more kids"She said laughing but I wasn't laughing I just walked away I felt a tug she came in front of me "Look at me" She said I looked away "Selena"She said "I'm sorry"I said soon tears came "Sorry Justin I need to take her right quick" She said "Take all the time you need"He said we went upstairs she closed the door "So when did you find out"She said smiling "Im not smiling pri I actually wanna get a abortion but his whole family against it"I said "Are you crazy I know you have this sickness but baby girl killing life because you scared isn't the answer" she said "And if you Do choose they will be upset we will be upset don't abort the baby if you lose the baby through miscarriage fine but don't kill it okay" She asked "If anything I will go back with you and make sure you don't"She said "I was really horny" I said she nodded I walked out I went to Justin and grabbed his hand and ran out we went to a hotel near by I went inside the restroom then came out

Selena GomezOnce in Texas we went to My Dad house "Dad" I said "Who this" I heard I looked to see Priscilla  "Oh that's Justin And Alfredo" I said "Selena I know who Alfredo is he always directed your videos I mean him"She said about Justin "Oh ye...

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"Where did you get this" He asked "It was under my clothes" I said he picked me up we went to the bed We laid on the bed we started kissing "Take this off"I said we got undressed after we got dressed soon we started having sex "Wait"I said "What are you okay"he said "No I'm not okay" I said "Want me to pull"He asked "No don't"I said "Selena"He said but I got up and tried going to the restroom "Hey"He said I started crying he hugged me he kissed my cheek to my neck "My baby"He said we laid there I messed with his hair I opened my legs and he got the hint and continued after We took a shower then we laid in bed "Justin" I said I looked he was sleep I got dressed and walked out I drove to the clinic with my hat and glasses on "Hey I wanna make a appointment and it's kinda urgent" I said "fill this paper out and wait with every other woman"She said my ringtone started playing I looked to see Justin calling "I need to do this now" I said I pulled out 5 grand "Sam take this lady in room 3" She said they took my back "I need your name miss"She said "Um Crystal" I said "You going to be on a table so you have to take the hat off"she said "Um" I said taking the hat off "Holy shit"She said in a low voice "Oksy Mrs.Gomez I understand your situation but you have to put a gown on"She said "And you are safe back here no other woman can see you"she said I nodded I took the hat off and the glasses and she gave me a gown then walked out after I got changed I sat there and filled the paperwork out then I sat it on the counter I sat down a doctor came in "Welcome to planned Parenthood"The doctor said I smiled nervously "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE"I heard "You guys can't go back there" I heard "Oh you don't want people knowing you killing unborn fetuses"I heard I held my head in my hand "Oh my god How did they find me"I whispered to my self soon the door opened and there stood Justin with Pricilla And Alfredo Justin was furious "OUT NOW"He yelled everyone left it was just me and Justin "WHAT THE FUCK"he yelled "why would you even consider this"He said "You not the one who gonna have to struggle with this the most so I'm doing both of us a favor"I said "Doing us both a favor but sel I told you we compromises baby we go through this together what happens today is your decision you do this and I go back to Canada live my life come up as a new artist without you or we me and you become a family with this baby while I become a new artist you choose I'm not gonna hate you no one is but baby you gonna disappoint everyone who's trying to help and support us"he said tears came to my eyes he hugged me kissed my head then walked out I sat there thinking the doctor came in "So are you ready"She asked

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